Chapter 7

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"So, what are we going to do now? Lily can't just abandon her kidnappers and never come back. They would have the police searching for her and all of her belongings are in that house," Cherry said.

"That's why we need to go to the police first," I said.

"That's a good idea. Let's head down to the station now. Miles, you stay here," Frank, well, dad said.

"Okay," Miles said, falling down onto the couch behind him.

Mom, dad, Cherry, and I all walked out to the car. I got in the back seat with Cherry. We drove down to the station. What will they say after thinking I was dead? Will they even believe us? They have to, I mean, Cherry and I are all the proof they need that I'm alive. We pulled in and got out of the car. We walked inside.

"How can I help you?" The secretary asked.

"Years ago, we filed a missing report on our daughter, Lily. Well, we've found her and we would like to have the kidnappers arrested," Dad said.

The lady at the front desk put on her glasses and when she looked at me clearly, her eyes widened. "The missing Iero twin. We thought you were dead," She said. She had us go back with an officer to be questioned. The same officer that tried to look for me when I went missing.

"You are sure this is her and not some amazing look alike? I mean, we claimed her dead," The officer said, amazed.

"It's Lily, alright. She has the same name, her and Cherry are obviously twins, and she even faintly remembers life before she was kidnapped," My dad said.

"Look, we searched for three years and found nothing. How do you know she's not lying? I'm sure this can't be her," He said.

"And where is the proof that I'm dead? You know why you couldn't find me? I've moved around a lot. Different houses and different schools. I don't even look like my so called "parents." They tried to hide me from you guys. It has worked until the school I just went to. I have a feeling you just gave up on looking for me and said I was dead," I said fiercely. I knew that this was my family. It just felt right.

The officer looked offended. He raised an eyebrow. "Before we go and conclude anything, we're going to need to do a blood test," He said. He looked at me and then at Cherry.

"Let's get it over with, then," Cherry said.

We had our tests done later that day, but I had to wait at my "home" until we got the results. We were all very agitated at that, but we decided it was for the best. They dropped me off at the school, and I walked home from there.

The sun was setting by the time I got back. What do I tell them? This isn't good.

I walked inside and my "mother" was making dinner. "It took awhile now didn't it?" She asked.

"Y-yeah. It was wild. I though I was only tutoring one person, but I had to do several people all day long," I said. I hoped it was believable. It was hard to lie, especially when you know the truth. The big truth.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Not really. I already ate," I lied. I just went upstairs and told her I was going to bed early. The tests were supposed to come in tomorrow, so I was going to do something I know I shouldn't. I was going to skip school and go to Bandit's house.

I mean, it is what they told me to do so we could know the results sooner and I could get out of there sooner. They were going to let Cherry skip, as well.

I emptied the books out of my bag, knowing I probably won't need them tomorrow. Just in case, I packed some clothes. I went ahead and filled a couple of suitcases with my clothes and belongings so it would be easier for me to move out.

I hid them in my closet.  I didn't put too many of my belongings inside so my parents wouldn't get suspicious if they came in my room. I set my book bag beside my bed and turned out the light, ready to get some sleep.

It was very hard to sleep. Especially after finding out I was kidnapped and what I was doing was risky. But by tomorrow, I'll be in a much safer home. I'll be at my real home with my real family.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of being with my real family. I just couldn't stop thinking of all the fun times we'll have together. I fell asleep filled with happiness.

[Sorry for the extremely short and boring chapter. I hope you are liking the story so far! Things are just starting to get good..]

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