Chapter 6

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We followed Bandit downstairs into the kitchen. Her dad was in there and it looked like he had the same idea as us.

"Cherry! You're here too!" Gerard said cheerfully. Cherry smiled and nodded.

"Can we have some coffee?" Bandit asked.

"Sure you can, beezles. It's almost done," He said. We all sat down at an island in their kitchen. We waited for the coffee to finished.

"So you said your name is Lily, right?" He asked me, handing me a mug full of coffee.

I nodded. "Yep," I said, popping the P.

"Cherry? Where are your parents?" He asked. I think everyone was a little confused at what he was getting to.

"They said they were going to stop by sometime. I don't know when, though," Cherry said. "They went to pick Miles up from his friend's house and they dropped me off here on their way."

"Oh. So they should be here soon," Gerard said.

"Probably, yeah," Cherry said.

The three of us finished our coffee and Bandit took us upstairs. She wanted to show us her paintings. Cherry has already seen it, but I haven't.

"Wow you are really talented. I knew you were an artist but I didn't know you could paint," I said. I was amazed.

"Thank you," She smiled. We all turned around when we heard a doorbell.

"Must just be my parents," Cherry shrugged.

Bandit continued to show me her paintings, acting like nothing happened. It must be normal for Bandit and Cherry. I went along with it, looking at all the beautiful artwork Bandit has.

"So, can you teach me how to paint like this?" I asked Bandit.

"Yes, but you have to master the basics before you try anything crazy like this. I've been doing art ever since I could hold a crayon," Bandit said.

"What about you, Cherry? Are you into art?" I asked this girl who looked exactly like me.

She looked down at the floor and then back up at me. "Maybe a little," She said timidly.

There was a knock on the door, making us all jump. We turned around and Bandit walked over to open it. When she opened it, Gerard, Lindsey, Frank, and Jamia were all standing there.

"Hey guys!" Bandit said. Cherry walked over to them, I slowly followed.

Frank and Jamia walked inside. They stared at me and I stared at them. Frank looked at Cherry and then looked at me. Jamia had her eyes glued on me.

"W-what's your name?" Frank asked me.

"I'm Lily," I said, confused at how serious and concerned he sounded.

Jamia put her hand over her mouth. They both had tears in their eyes. I was so confused. Frank looked back at Gerard and Lindsey. Bandit, Cherry, and I exchanged confirmed glances.

"Um, Lily, Cherry, can we talk to you guys privately?" Frank asked.

Gerard and Lindsey stepped out of the room. Bandit got the hint, so she followed her parents out. They closed the door behind them. I could hear their footsteps go down the hallway.

Cherry and I looked at each other, still confused as heck. "Mom? Dad? What's happening?" Cherry asked, puzzled.

"Um, girls, do you remember anything from when you were very little?" Jamia asked.

"Not much," I said.

"Lily, you were kidnapped when you were three. I didn't know if you remembered anything or not. You are my daughter. You and Cherry are twins. We've missed you, Lily," Frank said.

I had no words. I guess I did remember being somewhere else when I was little, but very faintly. I asked my "parents" about it, but they just said we moved to a new house when I was very young. I believed them.

That's when it all came flooding back to me. I remember coloring with another little girl. With Cherry. I remember someone playing the guitar and singing. I danced around with my twin and sang along. Then I remember going to bed one night and waking up the next morning in a totally different place. An all new place. Somehow, I just forgot my real home.

I snapped out of my daydream and looked around at everyone. I touched my face and realized I had been crying. "I remember," I said with a whisper. "I remember things," I said a little louder.

That's when my whole family came together and we hugged. We all hugged each other for a very long time. It was a weird, but happy feeling being reunited with my family. Everyone was in tears.

We pulled away. Everyone's eyes were red and puffy. There was a knock on the door. Cherry turned around and opened it. Gerard was standing there with Miles.

"Woah, what happened?" He asked. We all looked at each other and just smiled.

"Who's that?" He asked, pointing at me.

"Miles, this is your other sister, Lily," Jamia said.

"Cherry has a twin?" He asked with disbelief.

Frank nodded, "Cherry and Lily are twins."

I sniffed and turned my head to Cherry. I looked at her and we smiled at each other. I took her hand. We stood there, holding hands and grinning like two idiots. We didn't care.

"How come you never told us?" Cherry asked.

"Well, Miles wouldn't remember, so I never bothered to tell him, but I did tell you. Whenever Lily was gone, you asked me where she went, and I told you she was taken away, and we would soon get her back. We never did. We blocked off her room from you guys, it's been locked ever since the day after she disappeared. You just kind of forgot about it, and Jamia and I tried. We just couldn't. Eventually, the police gave up their search after three years and said you were dead. So that's what we thought. We thought you were dead," Frank explained.

Then Bandit and Lindsey stepped inside. Bandit saw the two of us holding hands and she smiled, "Welcome to the family, Lily."

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