Chapter 12

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I woke up to the feeling of warmth and the smell of smoke. I kicked the blankets off of me and saw that the side of my room was on fire. I screamed.

"MOM! DAD!" I screamed as I put slipped on a pair of vans that were sitting next to my bed. The fire was all around my room. Then I remembered the secret door.

I threw my closet door open and crawled through the small door. Cherry had just woke up and she saw the flames through the small door. I needed to get to my twin and my friend.

"Holy shit," She said, getting up immediately. She quickly put on some Ugg boots while I woke Bandit up. She put on a pair of boots, as well.

Panicking, I threw open the door and coughed at all the smoke. "MOM! DAD! MILES!" I screamed as I ran into the clouded hallway. Everyone was coughing and we all had a hard time trying to see.


The three of us tried to find our way downstairs. I couldn't find the stairs, but I flew down them when I did. I heard cracking and something collapsed. Someone screamed.

The fire was spreading fast. I ran into the living room and coughed again. It was cloudy and hard to see anything. I searched in the dark and smokey room for the door. When I found it, I opened it and ran outside. I waited anxiously for everyone else.

I began to worry. "GUYS! I'M OUTSIDE!" I screamed to them. Next, Cherry and Miles came out. My mom followed.

"Where's Dad and Bandit?" Cherry asked, terrified.

"Dad is looking for Bandit," Mom said. I looked over and saw the house next to ours had been burning for a longer time. That fire must have caught onto ours.

Then, I looked up and saw the roof of the house collapse. We all backed up to the curb. I couldn't tell what was happening. Then, I heard sirens.

Fire trucks were in the driveway, putting the fire out. Three firefighters had went inside to look for Dad and Bandit.

The paramedics showed up next. They carried Dad and Bandit out. Dad was obviously alive, he was a little burned, but not bad. Bandit was in a cot.

"Bandit! Bandit, please stay with me," I begged, walking alongside the cot. Bandit opened her eyes and tried to smile at me.

"I'll be okay," She said in a hoarse voice. "Just promise me something."

"Yes. A-anything," I said. I was on the verge of tears.

"Promise me you'll keep drawing," She said.

"Of course," I nodded. But, Bandit is strong. I know she'll be alright. She'll make it through this and as soon as she gets out of the hospital we'll probably go see a movie or get some ice cream.

Cherry and I ran over to her. She was badly burned. She didn't even look like herself. I felt the tears fill my eyes. I looked at Cherry, and saw that she had already been crying.

The paramedic put Bandit in the ambulance. Dad had gotten up, because he was okay. Just burned. They had him get inside so they could treat his wounds. We all got in the ambulance, too. Mom called Gerard and Lindsey and told them about the fire and to come to the hospital.

"Will she be okay?" I asked the paramedic in tears.

"I'm not sure, she's having trouble breathing as it is. We're trying our best," He said. We pulled into the hospital and we were all checked out by doctors to make sure we were alright.

Gerard and Lindsey soon showed up. They had been crying. Their eyes were red and puffy. Lindsey still was crying. Bandit had her own hospital room, and nobody was allowed inside. Cherry and I were tired and sobbing. It was horrible.

The doctor then opened the door and asked to speak with the family of Bandit. Gerard and Lindsey said that we were all family.

"Bandit, she, didn't make it," The doctor said.

I was in shock. I heard distant sobs. I heard someone saying my name. I just sat there. I couldn't cry and I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. My vision was blurred. I just sat there.

"LILY!" Cherry screamed and she shook me out of my trance. I looked at her. I couldn't cry. I just couldn't.

"Lily, please, are you okay?" Cherry asked in tears. I didn't do anything. I just stood there.

"You're as pale as a ghost, Lily you're worrying me," Cherry said, her voice cracking.

I felt distant. I didn't care what anyone said. I felt every negative emotion at once but I felt like nothing at the same time. I wanted to talk and I wanted to cry, I just couldn't do anything.

I shook my head. I looked around at everyone. They were crying and staring at me. I got up and walked the other way. I couldn't stand it. I ran.

The tears came. I ran out of the hospital. I ran into the empty parking lot and sank to my knees. I sobbed.

I heard footsteps from behind me. I didn't turn around, I didn't want to. My best friend was dead. She was gone. This wasn't right. This wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't want to believe it, it didn't seem true.

"She's not dead!" I yelled.

That's when someone knelt beside me and put their arm around me. I didn't even bother to look over. I didn't want to. Cherry was there. I knew she was.

"Lily. Bandit is gone. She is dead. You have to understand that," She said in a soft, comforting voice.

"No!" I snapped at her and I stood up.

I started to make my way toward the road. That's when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What?" I demanded.

"Where are you going?" My Dad asked. I didn't answer. I pulled my arm away and I ran. I ran down a road that took you to a nice bridge that goes over a river. I ran out onto the bridge. I looked out at the water.

I stared at the water for what seemed like forever. The water was calm and relaxing. It almost made forget about Bandit. But it's hard to when you lose your best friend. I put my head down. She's actually gone.

"Lily! There you are!" Cherry exclaimed and ran over to me. She stood beside me and put her arm around me.

"She didn't deserve this. This isn't how it ends," I said.

"Lily, I know. It's horrible. But she is gone, you have to understand that," Cherry said with a sniffle.

"I do understand. That's why it isn't fair," I sighed.

"It isn't fair," Cherry agreed.

She sat down beside me and put her arm over me. I put my head on her shoulder and began to cry. I sobbed harder than I ever had before.

After I couldn't cry anymore, Cherry and I just watched the water flow in complete silence.

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