Chapter 8

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I jumped up the next morning and threw on the clothes I already had picked out from last night. I took my backpack downstairs and I ate breakfast. I said goodbye to my family and I walked to school. After walking out the door, I chuckled to myself at the thought of how gullible they are.

They really believe I don't know anything. They believe all my lies. It's quite funny, actually.

I continued walking on my normal route to school, with a happy and bubbly feeling. Instead of passing on front of the school, I went around and took a slightly different route so the school didn't catch me. Soon, I reached Gerard and Lindsey's place. I knocked on the door and Lindsey answered almost immediately.

"How are you, Lily? I'm sorry that you couldn't stay with your real family. That really sucks. At least you don't have to go back after today. Anyway, have a seat," She said, letting me inside.

I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone. "Have they showed up yet?" I asked.

Lindsey sat on the other couch and shook her head. "No, not yet. They're getting the result right now so they probably won't be here for another twenty or thirty minutes," She said.

"Yeah. Did Bandit stay home or go to school?" I asked.

"She went to school. We gave her the option since she rarely ever misses school, but she said that she would go anyway," Lindsey explained.

Gerard walked in the living room and sat down beside Lindsey. "Hi Lily," He said. I smiled and said hi back.

There was a few minutes of silence, but I spoke up and said,"Do you think that the results will come back positive? That I really am an Iero?" I asked. I was beginning to get a little anxious.

"Lily, you are obviously the missing twin, there is n doubt about it. There is so much proof of it that you didn't even need to take the blood test. Don't worry, you'll find out soon. They should be getting here any minute now," Gerard said.

"You're right. Of course I have been kidnapped. It's so obvious. I don't know how I didn't realize it before," I said.

There was a knock at the door and Gerard jumped up to get it. It was my family. They looked very happy, this had to be good news.

"You guys look very happy. I'm guessing the results were positive?" I said.

Cherry nodded with a huge smile on her face. She hugged me and I hugged her right back. It wasn't a really long hug but it wasn't a really short one. We pulled away and we all sat down.

"What now?" Cherry asked.

"Well, tonight when Lily's kidnappers come home from work, there will be police at their house, waiting to arrest them. They will be taken to jail and we can get your things and move you back into your old room," My mom said.

"What does my room look like?" I asked.

"We don't live far, we could show you so you can get an idea of what you want to do with it," Dad said.

"Okay. That sounds good," I said.

We made it to the house I was going to move into. I remembered I had the bag I picked clothes in with me, so I took that inside just in case. The house had a very cozy feeling. The house was nice and clean and there was a candle lit that smelled really good. I felt so at home as soon as I walked in. I haven't felt so comfortable somewhere in years. This feels right.

"It's so familiar to me. I think I can remember how to get around," I said. I stepped in front of the rest of the family. I walked around from room to room, Cherry followed me. Somehow, I just knew where everything was.

I went upstairs and down a hallway to my right. I walked down that way and stopped at a door. I looked over at Cherry and she nodded. I put my hand on the doorknob and slowly turned. I pushed the door open and walked inside.

I let go of the doorknob, my eyes wide. I remembered things. This room has so many memories. I looked over at the dollhouse sitting there. I smiled.

"Lily, get that dress so I can put it on Barbie," Cherry said.

"Okay. I'll take this one," I remembered saying, grabbing the two dresses. We played with dolls a lot. I think we were going to a fashion show or something.

"We used to play with dolls all the time," I said to Cherry, pointing at the dollhouse. I turned to my bed. I remembered the time I was sick with a fever in bed. I was about two years old.

"How are you feeling, Lily?" Dad asked me.

"Not good," I said, letting out a small cough.

Dad had his guitar and he looked at me with sad eyes. He sat down on my bed and started strumming his acoustic. He began to sing to me. I fell asleep.

I walked over to the bed and I sat down. This room was filled with memories. Memories that happened and memories I missed out on. I shouldn't have been kidnapped. I lived my whole life as a lie. I would have more of these memories if it wasn't for those people who took me.

"Lily, are you alright?" Cherry asked me, sitting on the bed beside me. She wiped her finger across my face, that's when I realized I had been crying.

"I missed out on my own life. I lived it with no friends and no siblings, moving from different houses to different schools, never realizing I had been taken away until yesterday," I said. 

Cherry wrapped her arms around me and let me cry into her shoulder. She stroked my back and patted it until I was finished. We pulled away.

"You may want to remodel all of this," Cherry said with a small giggle.

"Yeah I think I might," I said, looking at the wallpaper that had little fairies all of it. I smiled.

"You're home and you're safe now," Cherry said. She took my hand and gave it a tight, reassuring squeeze.

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