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"There she is," Anne greeted softly with a smile. It was two in the morning, her eyes were tired and her smile only mirrored it.

I smiled back, but once she took me into her arms, I began to cry a little. There was just something about having that one person you can be weak around with; that no matter what the situation at hand is, you could trust them when you couldn't even trust your own self.

She held me tighter, "Hey, now... I know that you were hoping for a different outcome." I felt her hand rub up and down my back in comfort. "But you have to remember that we left for a reason. Don't beat yourself up for it because you and I-" she pointed at the small distance between us. "We've got each other."

The back of my hand swept the sensitive skin under my eyes, "Thanks, Anne."

We didn't say much during the trip back home; which I was thankful for because talking meant dwelling and dwelling meant regretting.


"What did he say when you told him that?" I yawned, but I was eager to hear Anne's end to her conversation with Liam. Not because I wanted it to stop, but because I hoped that it had a happy ending for her.

Apparently, she drove to his house yesterday to talk to him about the issue they had been having for a long time now. He was nervous to talk to Anne because he didn't want to fuck it up- at least, that's what Anne had said. After stalling, he came out clean and rambled on about how he really wanted her as something more than just a hole- again, Anne's translation of Liam's 'I want you as more than a pastime.' So she told him that if at any point she felt like he was hooking up with other girls behind her back, she'd call it quits and burn his house down.

Liam wasn't the relationship type, it had only been hookup after hookup. Which Anne was fine with up until she actually developed feelings for him. Then it got complicated... and now he's ready to try.

"He said he wouldn't do anything of the sort, but if I ever had my suspicions, to talk to him directly. However, if I still acted out of impulse, he wouldn't call the cops on me."

I laughed, wishing the curtains in Anne's room were darker because the sunlight seemed to be enjoying burning my eyes.

"Hey, what happened to your self esteem boost?" Her eyebrows wiggled, scooting closer as she did so.

The red staining my cheeks made her gasp, "Okay-" I answered in a reluctant tone, but I was more than excited to share. "He answered and we talked late at night..."


"And... I said goodnight because I was sleepy."

The pillow muffled my, "Ow!"

"What the hell is wrong with you, Selene?" Her hands went up in the air. "I did not train a twenty-year old woman to fall asleep on a phone call with a, need I say, very attractive dude!"

"You did not train me, okay?" I scoffed. "And I mean, it would have been more embarrassing if he had heard me snore or something."

Anne gave me a stern and pointed look, "I have never been more ashamed."

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up inside me. "Relax," I dismissed her with a wave. "He seemed as interested as I was."

She moved the blankets from her body, leaving me alone while she picked out an outfit. "You better hope so because otherwise-" she wiggled her finger at me. "You'd be in big trouble."

I hugged the blankets closer, "It's no big deal, really."

My guess was that she had a hidden reason and my suspicions were confirmed when she said, "What do you mean it's no big deal?" Her hand placed itself on her hip. "Selene, the last thing I want is for you opening to close because you didn't put in a-"

"Anne!" I laughed, covering my face in embarrassment.

"Placeholder," she smirked. "Before 'the one' comes along."

"Your lack of filter is astonishing," I replied. "Seriously."

She shrugged in gratitude before telling me to hurry up and change.

"Why?" I complained. I sort of wanted to spend my Sunday in sweats and no bra.

Anne wasn't in the mood to argue with me, "I said change. We're going out for breakfast, lunch and dinner before-" she swirled around dramatically. "Hitting a bar."

Actually, that sounded more exciting than anything.

I got out of her bed and went to grab my stuff. I was half way into my room when I heard her turn the shower on.

Before shutting the door behind her, she made one final statement that set the mood for the rest of the day:

"You're getting dick tonight!"

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