1. Melda

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"Bring her to me immediately, tell her I have something important to say." The Elven king sat slouching against his wooden throne as he waved off the guard standing at his side. The armored guard responded quickly by jogging down the steps to the king's seat and through the doors.

The king, Thranduil, leaned his weight against his elbow. He sighed and held his chin upon his open palm. How would he tell his own daughter that he had sold her for his own greed? He did not know. Especially now that she had not seen the sun since she was small.


Her flowing gown swept past her feet and across the floor. She sat with her legs extended upon the wooden floor of her chamber. It was dark, only lit by the one candle that stood high beside her hand. It kindled a flame that leaned towards her. The flame could easily burn her, but she did not care. The flame of a candle was the only light she had seen for as long as she could remember. No sun or stars.

Upon her hands sat an open book. She read it to herself out loud in a language foreign to the common tongue with her soft voice. Then she heard a sound. A key unlocking her metal door. She shut her book and set it down next to her, where many other open and closed books were spread out on the floor. Her elven instincts rapidly stood her up onto her feet.

"Híril nín, king Thranduil wishes to speak to you." The guard stood outside the half opened door. Her eyebrow raised in confusion but she went forth anyways. Once she was out, the Elven guard shut the metal door with a slam that made her flinch a little bit. He carried a large silver ring that held many metal keys shaped like vines. With one, he locked her door and walked behind her.

The halls of the Woodland Realm were long and twisted. If one was not careful, they would fall off the side of the pathway. Of course the elves were accustomed to their own home, it was nearly impossible for such an incident to happen.

Her hands were at their sides as she swiftly moved through her own halls. As she walked by, the elves simply clicked their feet together and bowed their heads at her. But she didn't enjoy being treated differently only because of her father's authority. She passed the Silvan Guards and they bowed. All she wished to be was a warrior, a fighter. A protector of her land and people. But her father thought differently. She was only a Sindar Elven princess that only saw the world in her books. Never saw the light of the sun nor feel the summer breeze against her face.

She soon stood beneath her father's throne. Purposely, she dropped to her knees and bowed. He looked down upon her in disgust.

"Get up off the floor, Melda! You are royalty and you are not to bow to me!"

Melda obeyed and stood up just like her father ordered. But deep inside she wanted to bow to him, just like every other elf in this kingdom.

"Forgive me father. I feel deep fault." She said, but didn't mean.

"Now my daughter," Thranduil began, "there is something I need to tell you." He stood up and walked down the flight of stairs that led to his daughter.

"Yes, father?" Her voice was calm as always. She was taught to never raise her voice even when she was in anger.

"The Lord of Formenos has offered me a great deal. He will give me whatever I desire, for his own price."

Melda held her frail hands behind her back as she listened to her father, "What is his chosen price, father?" She could see he had given the Lord something that was hard for him to let go of.

"You, my jewel." Thranduil looked deep into Melda's shocked eyes. She turned her back and walked near a pillar that stood in front of her.

"Do not turn your back, Melda. You will do as I say." He knitted his dark eyebrows together.

Melda wiped a few tears that had trailed down her cheeks. Her eyes turned from sad to anger and hatred.

"U-ohenathon!" She yelled turning back to face her father.

"Do not speak to me in that language! Go to your chamber and be prepared. You leave first light of dawn." He waved her off as he sat back down on his throne.

Melda clenched her teeth, "Whatever you say." She walked to him and sighed, "Adar."

All she saw in her father's eyes was disgust. He no longer felt sad upon her leaving, not in the slightest. Now he could receive his desires without feeling guilty for selling his own daughter.

She ran to her chamber and pulled at the door but it was locked. A nearby guard unlocked it for her and she took the key out of his hand without his notice. The heavy metal door shut behind her and she fell on her knees, weeping into her hands.

Time had passed when she looked up from her wet hands. The light barely shone on her tear stained cheeks. She had to get out of there, and she had to do it now. Her skinny fingers gripped around the metal key to her chamber as a small smile appeared on her lips.

{ First chapter is up! Hope you like it!

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