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Newt's heart was racing while he stared at the girl blankly as he had been trying to hold the Niffler still at his side. (Name) had slowly walked over to the kitchen counter. She slowly reached down, then quickly grabbed grabbed a large frying pan off the counter. She raised it above her head and stared straight into Newt's eyes. He jumped back slightly with the Niffler escaping his grasp, only for him to quickly catch it once more. Newt looked back to the girl with pleading eyes while he opened his mouth to speak. He had been cut short by the girl waving the pan towards him.

"What is that thing, and what are you." She had repeated, this time sounding more demanding than before. Newt had shut his mouth and closed his eyes for a moment. What would he tell her? He's a wizard and he has a suitcase full of beasts, and now he'd have to obliviate he memories of magic? He couldn't tell her. "ANSWER ME!" She screamed this time, the room echoing with her voice filled with fear. "Are you a witch?" She had whispered that part, with her heart aching. What if she had let a witch into her home?

Newt's eyes had widened slightly before he shook his head, holding the Niffler a bit closer to him as it struggled to get away. "(Name), I'm not a witch. I promise you." His voice was dripping with sincerity and his eyes were soft. He had his eyebrows raised while he stood still, slowly moving one of his hands away from the Niffler. He took a few slow steps towards her put his hand hesitantly down onto the pan. He swallowed nervously while pushing it down away from him. The girl had dropped her eyes to the floor while Newt had opened his mouth to speak once more, stopping himself.

He was going to say that he was going to go put the creature away, but he decided against it. Instead he had moved his free hand to the girl's chin, putting his forefinger under it and lightly guiding her head up to see him. "This thing is a Niffler." Newt had said in a whisper as if someone else was in the room to hear what he was saying. (Name) looked to the creature and then back to Newt. He was smiling down at the creature softly before he shifted his eyes to the girl, not moving his head away from the creature.

"He can't stand being locked up, and the little thing will go for anything that shines." Newt said, before he lightly rubbed the thing's head with his thumb, earning a somewhat smile from the creature as it closed it's eyes. (Name) stared at it for a moment before she slowly moved her eyes back to Newt. "What are you, though?" She asked, in a slow and shaky tone. His head had shot over to her at the sudden shakiness in her voice.

"I'm-" He cut himself off. He couldn't even imagine what he was thinking. He was starting to grow fond of the girl. Her odd habits and kind ways to the odd man, he saw her as a blessing. He could not dare to lose her. (Name) moved away from him with her eyes slightly narrowed as if she were to start crying. "Don't lie to me, either." She had said out with her voice cracking. Newt had taken a deep breath before he closed his eyes, facing his head towards the floor.

He only had dared to look up at the girl with his eyes. "(Name), this is going to sound insane." Newt said, before he had swallowed nervously and took a deep breath. The girl looked just as blank as before, awaiting for some sort of explanation. This was it, Newt was telling himself. She'd be as good as gone to him. "NEWT TELL ME!" She yelled out, causing Newt to jump slightly and the Niffler to move close to his chest.

"I'm a Wizard." He said, in a tone that sounded like a whisper. (Name) laughed softly at first, thinking that the man was pulling her leg. She crossed her arms while still holding onto the pan at her side. "Hilarious." She said, before her amused face fell to one that seemed even more irritated than before. "The truth." She had spat, with Newt groaning softly. He started walking out of the small kitchen and into the room he was given, moving over to his suitcase and stuffing the small creature into it. "Hey! Where are you going!?" (Name) had yelled before following Newt, catching a glimpse of him stuffing the creature into his brown suitcase. She had paled even more now than she ever had before.

He was even worse than a witch. He was a loon. She had froze next to the door and her mouth was gaped. "You're...crazy." She had said in a mix of breathlessness and disbelief. Newt's head had shot over to her and his messy hair fell over his face more than usual. He stood up quickly and shook his hands. "Please, I'm telling the truth." Newt sounded a bit more anxious than the first time he said that he was a Wizard. (Name) shook her head and picked up his case and walked out of the room to the kitchen. She grabbed his coat and she started walking out.

"Wait- be careful with that!-" Newt yelled as he grabbed his vest, tie, and wand. He followed after her sliding a bit as he ran down the hall in an attempt to catch up to her. By the time he had caught up to her she was ready throw the case with her arm pulled back. "Please, I can prove it to you." Newt's voice was so soft, it had froze her. He had barely any grasp on her, but she was not throwing. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before slowly turning around, opening her eyes to meet Newt's soft blue one's staring straight at her hopefully. His hand had not let go of her wrist, and he had no plans to.

"I'll prove it to you."

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