Five-Star Death Trap: Chapter Three

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The two girls tiptoed out of the room as soon as the clock in their room struck 12. They wanted to know why the three children were all alone, and their curiosity overtook them as they walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the seventh floor.

The elevator carried them to their destination several floors up. They practically stomped down the halls, their black and lavender hair jumping with their movements, until they reached the same room as before, number 77.

Vic was about to knock when the door flew open, the three dark-haired "siblings" standing beside each other in the door way. Their eyes looked slightly bloodshot as they spoke in unison.

"Welcome back, Diane and Victoria. We've been expecting you."

The girls' eyes went wide as the children smiled wickedly at them. "We're glad-"

They were cut off by the same woman tiredly closing the door, cutting the girls off from the three children. "Nope," she said quickly, grabbing Vic and Diane's wrists to drag them behind her. "Nope, nope," she continued down the halls, Vic and Diane being dragged into the elevator by Aunt Bree. "Nope."

She sighed, clearly exhausted, and brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose and shut her eyes. The elevator doors opened, revealing the lobby. Diane and Vic tried to cry out in protest but she dragged them out of the hotel despite it, leading them to her beaten-up red van.

Luke and Reagan winced as the doors slammed shut, Aunt Bree starting the ignition swiftly and driving out of the parking lot. "What did I say about messing around in that hotel?" She snapped tiredly, making Vic and Diane raise their eyebrows in unison.

"Well, you said not to-?"

"And what do you idjits do?!" There was a prolonged silence before she spoke again. "You went right back to that room, right where those kids were!"

"Sorry Aunt Bree." Vic and Diane muttered, guilt present in their tones.

Aunt Bree sighed before responding. "Just, remind me never to leave you three alone to plot this stuff."

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