Hard Times - Part One

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Reagan picked up another book that had been thrown to the floor. "But Bree, why do we have to go now? School starts back up in a couple of weeks-"

Bree placed another book back on a shelf, pushing it into its rightful place. "Vic needs some time away from here, Ray." Bree explained, turning around to see more books on the floor.

Reagan picked up another book, biting his lip as he stood back up again. "Is this because of-"

"You know the answer to that," Bree sighed, putting more books back into place and continuing to do so in silence. "Let's just leave it, we should get going."


Vic sat in the van, staring blankly at the falling sun as she tapped her fingers lightly on her knee. She sighed and rolled her eyes, irritation getting the best of her. "Bree had said we were leaving, so why aren't we?" She muttered, resting her head back to stare up at the van's roof.

She could still remember what happened. Bree and Reagan had left to go get groceries, not thinking leaving Vic all alone would be a bad idea. Wrong.

Her somewhat calm demeanor broke only slightly with every single little thing irritating her. The door not closing completely. Her phone buzzing. The fan knocking her papers off the table. Her phone buzzing so she doesn't close the door completely, somehow leading to papers being knocked to the floor. Everything. Then she finally broke.

Knocking everything off of the counter and table. Running to her room and throwing the books carefully placed on her bookshelf. Screaming into her pillow the question that haunted her everyday. "Why did it have to be her?" She was still punching a pillow when Bree walked in, the worry set into her features being replaced by relief.

"Victoria! I was so worried-" She stopped her approach towards her daughter, noticing how her shoulders were rising and falling unsteadily. She realized she shouldn't have left her home alone...

"Mom..." Vic whispered, tears falling down her flushed cheeks. She didn't turn around, but Bree knew the water works had started. She just walked over and embraced her daughter tightly from behind, finally saying they need to take a vacation and get out of town. "We don't have to-"

"Start packing, sweetie."

Bree let go of her daughter slowly, kissing the top of her head before walking back out and closing the door softly.

And that led to the current predicament.

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