Pieces of Broken Memories: Chapter Two

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The house had been quiet as everyone was previously sleeping. When the boys had moved downstairs, they established their spot on the couch and waited until their dark-haired friend entered first, as per their usual morning routine.

She immediately focused her attention on Evan, who had dark bags under his eyes as he watched Reagan play a game on his phone.

She watched as his eyes remained unfocused yet his gaze was still on the device. "Evan, what's been going on with you?" Diane asked as she sat in her favorite blue chair, concern evident in her steely blue orbs as she continued to stare at the blonde boy's bags under his eyes from beside them.

His gaze focused once more and he looked to the girl tiredly. "It's-" he began to dismiss the question, but Reagan gave him a knowing look.

"They deserve to know." Diane was about to inquire when she was interrupted.

"What do I deserve to know?" Vic yawned, having just woken up and entered the living room.

Evan shrugged innocently, looking at Vic then turning back to see Diane giving him a look of piqued curiosity as she moved to the kitchen and Reagan a "do what I said" glare.

Evan wasn't sure how to start. With a sigh, he started speaking. "I've been having... dreams. Well, they're more like nightmares- visions actually-" He began stuttering as he tried to explain himself, but Vic interrupted him.

"We get the point, just get on with it." Vic grumbled, looking down at the bowl of cereal in front of her then up at the girl who put it there that gave her a scolding look. She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, mumbling thanks, before beginning to eat. Diane returned to the kitchen to make coffee for herself, sensing this was going to be a long day.

Evan nodded at Vic's statement, closing his eyes as he thought back to what was plaguing him at night. "I always see a boy with dark brown hair, stumbling through the night before finally stopping at a grave and falling to his knees." No one saw Diane tense up, knuckles growing white around the coffee cup. "He starts muttering something in Latin, then these three shadows with these red eyes appear above him," At the mention of three shadows with red eyes, everyone pales. "He starts begging for them to bring her back, but the shadows tell him that he has to pledge his soul to them in order for them to bring his sister back..."

The room grew awfully silent for holding four teenagers, a single question burning in all of their minds.

The clinking sound of a cup falling to the counter broke the silence. "Luke..." Diane muttered, setting her head in her hands as tears rushed to her eyes. Vic's orbs widened as she looked to her suddenly emotional best friend.

"They aren't torturing him, right?" Reagan asked carefully, eyes flickering to Diane's fading gaze.

Evan shook his head, somewhat oblivious to what his answers meant to his three friends. "Actually, from the visions I've had, he seems to be helping them," Evan looked between them, the curiosity still eating him up inside. "But who are these guys?"

Reagan's eyes grew sad. "Let's just say they're the reason Diane has that white streak." Reagan spoke quietly, the boys looking to the mentioned female, who was absentmindedly twirling the white strands of hair around her index finger as her eyes glazed over.

Evan shook his head in confusion, turning to Reagan to see him murmur what had happened. With a gasp, he questioned the past no one wanted to mention. "They tortured you?" Evan asked softly, not intending to bring up any bad memories.

Vic started hesitantly. "Well, in a way..." she only began, voice dying off as Diane stared out of the window, everyone waiting for her words.

With a grunt and a humorless chuckle, she obliged a summary. "They mentally attacked me out of anger from me refusing to join them, which killed me." She replied bluntly, eyes not leaving the window as she watched a car pass by.

More silence as everyone mulled over her words. "Then, how-" Reagan began, confusion lost from the years past creasing his features as he watched Diane sink slightly to the counter again, once high chin and raised shoulders now falling in anguish. He remembered how they were never told what had brought Diane and, although for a very short time, Luke back to them.

Diane feebly shrugged. "Luke must've brought me back..." She whispered, head falling onto her knees once more as she curled up into a ball on the chair beside Vic.

"He had to have made some sort of-" Vic stopped when she realized Diane was now staring blankly out the window again.

Reagan's eyes moved wildly as he thought, Evan watching in somewhat amusement and interest. "So he basically sold his soul to those bastards... Son of a-" Reagan began, Evan's wide-eyed stare causing him to stop his swearing.

Vic only stared at her best friend's changing facial features, knowing what she was thinking. "We can't get him back, Diane." Vic started, watching as the gears clicking in her brain reflected in her eyes.

"You know what happened last time." Reagan called out.

Diane snorted, head falling back to her knees sadly. "Yeah, I died." The statement sunk in.

With a bit of a scoff, Reagan called out Diane. "You know, they possessed Vic and I, too." He looked to Diane, who grew guilty as she realized she wasn't the only victim. She was silent as she thought of what to say.

"I know. But what choice do we have, guys? We can't let these spirits come back into power or even close to it."

"It's you they want though, Di." Vic pointed out sadly, messing with her long fingers as the cereal bowl was disregarded.

"We'll be practically giving you to them." Reagan reasoned, looking at Diane's bowed head.

Diane nodded, face thoughtful and eyes shining with determination as they met with Reagan's. "I'm willing to take that chance to get my brother back."

The four jumped at a sudden noise breaking up their serious conversation.

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