Date with the Devil.. literally

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Hey so I think I finally have my groove back! I'm planning to update this book more so just breathe. I'm off for thanksgiving break in two more days!! Thanks and enjoy!!
Alex's pov
It had been oddly quiet the past few days. No more attacks or rats deciding to get up in my business. In that time I had been trying to focus on my beautiful Donna. I had planned the perfect date I just hoped that we weren't rudely interrupted by another rodent.

I ground my teeth at the thought as I walked up the porch to Samuel's house. Gripping the bouquet of roses I made my way up to the door. Quickly checking the time, 7:58. I stood waiting counting the seconds. 56, 57, 58, 59, 2 minutes. Exactly 8:00.

I rang the doorbell hearing the faint ringing. Not even 30 seconds later, soft skittering could be heard from behind the door. I looked down the street back to my car, just as the door opened and my beautiful angel stood before me. His blonde hair lay in curls across his head. His chest heaved in is light blue button up. My eyes cast down to his jeans slowly drinking in the tightness of his pants.

I took a deep breath smiling trying not to show how aroused I was. His cute lips opened gulping air and I mentally scolded myself for letting my feelings loose. I quickly put on a look of amusement and he didn't seem like he noticed for he was too busy admiring my body. I was so happy that Jordan helped me pick out something.

"Hello, kitten how are you?" He smiled and tucked his hair behind his ear standing up straighter at my voice.

"Good, thank you. You look great." He whispered looking down. I slowly tilted his chin up wanting to see his beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you love, you are as beautiful as always." His face was so hot it looked thermonuclear as I raised the roses to him. He grabbed them and I whispered "Now shall we be going?"

Our eyes met again and he nodded as we walked to my car. I made it to the random black sports car I had taken to come and pick up my love. He smiled as I walked him over to the passenger side opening the door for him. I walked back over to my side and slipped in.

He smiled shyly at me as I started the car. "So, where are we going?" he asked

I kept my eyes on the road but answered "A drive in movie theater."

"Really?" He sounded excited so I couldn't help but look over. He blushed as he noticed my amused smile.

"Yes, do you like movies?" He laughed and smiled.

"Of course I do I have never been to a drive in theater though only the cinema."

"I've never been to either." I said not knowing why I was sharing that information.

He froze and I was afraid I had said something wrong. Yet, his big intelligent eyes were looking at me with a feeling I couldn't quite place. Pity? No. He didn't pity me just felt for me.

"Really?" He questioned and I nodded, my father never did anything with me as a child and just subordinates weren't going to either. So, I just trained, never thought much about it. "Well, then this will have to be the best movie experience ever."He looked so determined as he sat back in his chair.

I smiled as a warm feeling grew in my chest. Soon we pulled into the theater. There were other cars around but we were kind of early so they placed us near the front by the screen. As we pulled in I noticed a familiar car in front of us by a couple of rows, the silhouette of Boris sitting in my companies car. I had a couple of guards placed around us but they were highly invisible well trained killers so I wasn't that worried.

I just wanted to relax and spend time with my little beautiful Donna. We talked, mostly about him, he told me about his mom ad his friend Dylan. After a few more minutes the movie started, it was Breakfast at Tiffany's. I had never seen it before but Samuel had, he loved it.

We moved into a comfortable silence as the movie moved, I held his small hand in mine and he leaned against my shoulder. I let my facade fall for a few minutes as we enjoyed the movie. Much to my surprise, I found myself getting a little antsy with sitting without talking for the entire movie. So, about half way through the movie I excused myself to the bathroom and some snacks.


Samuel's pov

Tonight had been a great night so far. I loved what I had with Alex, he was such a great guy, even with the slightly mysterious background hanging over his head. When he had said he had never been to a movie theater I was shocked. He was quite strange, yet endearing.

He excused himself for the bathroom and I missed him already. I shivered slightly for it was chilly outside and I had been just sitting with Alex's body heat for the past hour. I turned on the heat and wrapped my arms around my body. I sat in silence for a couple of minutes before the buzzing of my phone pulled me from the movie.

I reached into my pocket pulling it out to see a message from Dylan. Suddenly a loud bang sounded and the glass window next to me exploded. Pain shot through my side, I reached up shock flooding my body as blood dripped from a cut along the side of my face.

The door that I was sitting by was pulled open quickly and a man reached in and pulled me out. His skin felt ice cold and my heart beat felt so fast like it was going to explode as fear turned my blood to ice. I landed on the concrete and pain shot up my tailbone as I bruised it.

A couple of men stood around, one holding a sagging figure that I noticed as Boris. Another man held a pistol in the air, firing random shots as people drove or ran frantically out of the theater. A sinking feeling landed in my stomach as I realized there was no one to help me.

The man above me stood with a cigarette in his mouth, he spoke a deep Italian accent. "Well, well, well this is that Russian mutts new kitten huh?"

He lifted my chin and I glared at him and ripped my head from his meaty fingers in disgust. He didn't seem very happy with that as he lifted his hand and slapped me across the jaw. I fell against the concrete again whimpering. Pain shot through the side of my face.

"Your going to regret that doll." He growled and pulled a pistol out of his tuxedo that he was wearing. He aimed it at my head and I squeezed my eyes shut trying to stop the tears that were dripping down my cheeks fast. But, nothing came, just a strangled grunt. I looked up to the same Italian man, his eyes wide.

He stiffened and opened his mouth. Dark red thick blood came pouring out as he slowly lowered his head and slumped forward. I sat shocked at the man who was standing behind the fallen man.

Alex stood strong a bloody knife in his large fist. His hazel eyes dark and glaring at the body below him. Slowly he dropped the knife and he grabbed the unmoving man by his collar and threw him off to the side. Next thing I knew I was getting lifted from the ground and put back into the car. Alex leaned down to me and whispered, "Please do not watch this moya lyubov" (My love)

I watched as he shut the door and turned back to the men. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a pistol. Next thing I knew all of the men were on the ground and Alex was grabbing Boris and pulling him to the car. I sat frozen in shock as Boris was thrown in the back seat and Alex slipped into the seat next to me. Tears continued to slip down my cheeks and I shook as he watched me his eyes no longer intense and deadly but soft and sweet.

I looked at him slowly still shaking but my tears slowing, hurt prominent in his eyes. "Who are you?"

My Donna, ManxManWhere stories live. Discover now