The Ring

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Hey guys I thought this would be a cool idea, hope you enjoy!


  The sun shown down on the small play ground outside of the elementary school building. The heat was beating down on the young children as they played at recess. The girls picking flowers and the boys chasing them with worms. The innocence of the scene would bring smiles to anyone's face. But off to the side of the wonderful playground was a boy that should've been playing with other boys his age but chose to be by himself.

He was smaller than the other children even some of the girls in his class are bigger than him. His blonde hair hung over his eyes as he reached down into the grass to pull at the purple flowers springing up from the grass. His blue eyes danced around the surrounding areas. The others were running and screaming and the blonde angel found himself annoyed. He found a tree with comforting shade that protected his fair skin from the screaming sun. 

He was far enough away so the sounds of the rambunctious children didn't bother him as much and he could listen to the wind. He closed his eyes and sat with his back against the rough bark against his back. He was relaxing for some moments when he heard footstep and a darker taller shadow loomed over him.

He raised his innocent blue eyes to the tall broad man in a black suit, sunglasses, and a buzz cut. The man had a tough face but the boy wasn't scared. The man opened his mouth and spoke with a deep russian accent, "May I sit?"

The boy looked over to the playground to see that the other children haven't yet noticed the mysterious man yet. So the young blonde boy moved over so the man could share his shady heaven. The man sat and as he sat the boy noticed that the man held a box in his meaty hands. 

The box was about the size of a dictionary it was covered in a read felt and had gold lining. It said something in russian that the boy couldn't understand. The man got comfortable and handed the boy the box. The boys small hands held the box gently as he stared at the small gift confusingly. "What is it?" the boy whispered.

The man looked down and said "Samuel, have you ever heard of a prince charming?"

The boy had wondered how the man knew his name, but brushed it off when he remembered the fairy tail. "Yes, its like Cinderella's prince"

The man nodded as he watched the children on the playground with a distant gaze. "Would you like a prince young one?"

The boy, Samuel, was confused. "But I'm not a princess, I'm a boy."

"Would you like a prince charming?" The man asked again looking down at Samuel a little sternly. 

The boy thought about it for a second. He was only 7 but his mind was working wonders with the information that the idea would in tale. He had always liked other boys more than girls, he had never had a crush on a girl before. He tried to imagine a boy dancing with him or even kissing him like in Cinderella. He found that he didn't mind the idea.

So he looked up at the man and nodded. "I guess I would."

"Then you may keep the box. Do not show anyone whats in the box, except for the ring. Wear the ring everyday, if your parents ask where you got it say you found it here in the dirt and you washed it off with the water fountain. If you do that then your prince charming will come." The man stood gracefully and brushed himself of grass and walked away. 

Sam looked down at the box and up again to find that the man in the suit was gone. The boy grabbed the lid and lifted it carefully off of the box. Inside the box there was not much. A letter that the boy couldn't read yet because it was in a beautiful cursive handwriting. He found a box of cards, a gold chain, and a pocket knife. The final thing that lay in the box was a ring. It was big for his small fingers but it was beautiful. The ring was gold with diamonds making a sort of flower shape on the top.

He grabbed the gold chain out of the box and slipped the ring on the gold chain and put the chain around his neck. He tucked it into his shirt and closed the box. The boy was happy that he had the box but was also confused on why he got it. The soft gentle boy was once taught about patience by his mother so he decided to be patient and wait for his prince to come.


Little did the boy know that across the city was another boy on a couple of years older than him that is learning about Samuel. The older boy was not like other boys, he lived in a mafia, a Russian mafia to be exact and the young innocent Samuel had just signed himself to the older boy without even knowing it. 

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