We will meet again

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Okay so this is going to be a super #sappy chapter, sorry I can't help it they are just two babes in love! Anyway I liked the 1st pov with these characters so I hope you don't mind me staying with it.

Sam and Alex holding hands^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

La Vie En Rose- Dean Martin (Alex is a huge fan of Dean Martin)


Alex's pov

I held my donna's hand as we sat in the rotating booth. He was so beautiful as he looked so curious. He leaned unconsciously against me as we started to rotate. When we stopped Sam started to get up I tightened my hand. I knew after he noticed my gun and how he was trying not to look too scared I would have to explain my job.

"Listen love, I know you know Boris and I think you should know that he is my bodyguard." His eyes widened so I kept talking, "I have a reputation with him and my other men. If I don't show that I am their boss then they could get the wrong idea, it's not that I would ever be embarrassed to show the way that I feel about you. I just want them to see that you are my Donna, please don't believe that you are less than me in anyway bu-"

I stopped my rant with a finger on my lips. I looked down at his beautiful icey blue eyes and a small smile. "I get it you need to look tough."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his blunt explanation. God he is so cute.

"Yes basically." He nodded and squeezed my hand. I fixed my jacket and tie before finally opening the curtain. I led Sam through it before walking behind him. I set my hand on his lower back and I saw a blush erupt on his cheeks. Boris was behind me in seconds as my shadow.

I tightened up my jaw and squared my shoulders as we walked farther into the VIP section. I saw more and more people that I knew in the underground. All of their eyes widen and some even shyed back in fear. I mean I have been called the literal devil before. I made sure to keep my hand on Sam at all times.

I wanted everyone to see that he is my donna and give a warning. There is always a chance that an enemy could see Sammy and somehow hurt him to get to me. But by now I don't think anyone would never try to steal my love knowing my reputation. I would personally find and kill whoever would even think of touching my beautiful donna. Then again I can't just steal him and lock him away to my mansion to have my way with him. I had to keep him safe and give him space at the same time.

I've decided that I will start with just dating, until finally he can trust me. We walked out of the VIP section to the main floor. Their were bodies on the dance floor and the music was so loud. I noticed Samuel searching the crowd looking for his friend Dylan.

Finally he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. It had no messages but he went to contacts and clicked on his favorites. He had Dylan listed as his #1 favorite and I decided I would have to change that later.

He clicked her name and turned around to face the wall. After a couple of seconds I guessed she picked up because he was trying to scream/talk over the music. No one really paid attention to us as he made the phone call and soon he hung up with a loud aggravated sigh.

He turned back to me as he put his phone in his back pocket. "Well apparently she went home with someone."


"I wouldn't worry it about it that much." I said as I wrapped my arm fully around his waist. "Here I can give you a ride home."

He nodded and I led him out of the club.


Samuel's pov

This is crazy. absolutely bonkers. I'm walking to my princes car! MY Alex's car!

He held his hand to my lower back and I swear I am going to melt in his arms one of these days. His large calloused fingers gently pushed me and I found myself leaning in to his smell of chocolate leather and cologne. Finally we stepped into the cold air outside the club. I wrapped my arms around myself as a black car pulled up to us.

Boris, who I hadn't realized was following us went to the front and took the keys from another rather large man in a black suit and sunglasses

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Boris, who I hadn't realized was following us went to the front and took the keys from another rather large man in a black suit and sunglasses. Alex opened the door for me and I slid in mumbling a small "Thanks"

He chuckled and slipped in as he closed the door. I looked around the inside of the car, we sat on soft beige leather. There was a wall and a window separating us from Boris, the window was open but as soon as we sat down Alex reached over and and closed it. I blushed and I noticed a small mini fridge built into the back of the passenger seat.

My god he is rich.

He seemed to follow my eyes to the fridge. Alex opened the small door revealing the same bottle of champagne still opened from earlier in the club. I was shocked, he already got it from the club to the car in such little time. I guess he has "men" to help him, I mean c'mon he has a bodyguard.

He poured two glasses and sat back with his. I grabbed mine and took a sip of the stars. He smiled and gestured to my hand.

"You wear the ring I see." I couldn't help but blush.

"I haven't taken it off sense I got it." He looked shocked, his eyes widening and his jaw falling slack.

Soon he shook himself out of it, and put down his drink and grabbed my hand. "I don't think I have felt this intensely about anyone in my entire life."

He just about whispered and it was my turn to be shocked. This beast of a man, the dangerous prince was confessing his intense feelings towards me. I don't think I could've stopped my self if I tried. It was probably the alcohol, or my adrenaline. But I know I couldn't stop myself.

I sat forward and kissed him.

His lips were slightly chapped yet warm. The warmth traveled down to my stomach and throughout my body as he kissed me back. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I ran my hands through his nice black hair, it was soft and his body was warm- no not warm but hot. Searing hot.

Soon I pulled away and we looked into his eyes and I could sense almost panic in his eyes. But I was feeling the same, for these feelings were happening so fast and so intensely.

Suddenly a tap was from the window before us and I realized that the car had stopped. Of course Alex had jumped suddenly back into his boss mode, with his tight jaw and squared jaw. He opened the door and reached out for my hand. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the front of my small house that I shared with my mother.

It was a little past midnight so she was obviously asleep. We made it to the door and he turned to me. He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me a little closer. "I'm so happy I'm here. I'm here."

He kissed my forehead and I lost all thoughts in my head. I smiled and leaned into his hold, we stood there for a while just holding each other. Suddenly scary memories filled my head from when I was alone.

"We will see each other again, don't worry lyubov moya. (my love)"


Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it!

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