I'm Waiting

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Another chapter I hope you enjoy!


Four years later


The young man threw the door closed roughly. His blonde hair cascading in his face as tears streamed down his face and his small hands balled into fists. He stepped into the small alley behind his high school and  quickly stopped as if becoming frustrated with himself. He walked over to the wall and sank down with his back on the wall and his head in his hands. 

"Damn it, stupid Joshua." He whispered as he threw his fist into the concrete below him. After a couple of minutes of crying he heard the door open.

"Samuel" He lifted his head to find a tall brown haired boy. He was pulling on his shirt, and trying to fix his disheveled hair at the same time. He was attractive but not amazingly gorgeous. Samuel imminently stood from his spot against the wall, and turned around to walk away with tears still staining his baby soft cheeks. 

"Wait Samuel.... Its not what it looked like." The brown haired boy, Joseph, grabbed Samuel by the elbow. 

Samuel turned around suddenly, his blue eyes narrowing as he pulled his arm from the other boys hand. "You mean it doesn't look like you were just making out with another boy in the closet behind the stage?!?!?" 

"Don't talk to me like that!!!!" Joseph yelled as he grabbed Samuel by the shoulders again pulling him back towards him. Samuel's face turned from angry to terrified. He knew from their relationship that Joshua has a temper. But he thought he was able to calm him down. Now with the taller much more muscular teen towering over him, he was terrified. 

They were both only 15 so both of the boys' emotions were at a high. It made the terror in Samuel's veins escalate.  The taller boy quickly raised his hand and Samuel cowered down. The hand was about to connect with his cheek when Joshua was forcefully pulled away. 

Samuel hit the concrete and closed his eyes waiting for a blow of a fist. Instead nothing except the sound of a struggle. He opened his baby blue eyes to find a tall man in a janitors jumpsuit towering over Joshua's unconscious body. The man had a buzz cut and dark eyes. He looked vaguely familiar to Samuel, but he didn't know where from. 

"Go. Don't talk to this boy again, and if he gives you anymore trouble just yell." The man spoke in a Russian accent. He turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Samuel yelled and the man turned to look over his shoulder. "Who are y-you."

"Just a knight that your prince charming sent." 

Samuel froze. Prince charming. Then it clicked, he remembered this man from a distant memory. A memory of a playground, a tall man with a box, and a promise of a prince. 

Samuel stood from the concrete and started running. He couldn't think he just ran. Soon he was at his house again, his mother wasn't home yet so he ran straight to his room. He kicked his converse off and reached under his bed. After about 20 seconds of searching he found his small box that he got that one afternoon in his playground. 

He pushed his blonde hair back from his eyes and slowly opened the box. The box of things hasn't changed much since he first got it from the man that just saved him from his now ex-boyfriend. His ring was now big enough to fit around his finger so he no longer needs the golden chain that is sitting on the letter. 

He pulled the beautiful ring off of his hand and kissed it on the diamond in the middle. Ever since he got the ring he wore it everyday. Just a little while ago he got a boyfriend, although he kept the ring. Its just that Samuel was so excited to one day find the man that was promised to him that he became impatient. He had given up. 

But he couldn't find the courage to take the ring off though. Now that the man had said he was sent by his prince his trust was renewed. The idea of his prince had been such a big part of his life, the mysterious man had helped Samuel through so much. From his fathers abuse, to his boyfriend. 

Samuel slipped the ring back on and picked up the most recent letter. Now that he was older he started to get letters from his prince every year on his birthday. The letter from his recent birthday still gave him chills to read.

Dear Samuel

                   Hello my love, I know it is been a long time since I have written. You have grown so much, you look even more beautiful every year. I want you to know that I am getting more and more ready to see you. Just a couple more years dear, then we will be together. I am also growing much to, now that I am 16 I am only 3 years until I can take over the family business.   I know that I have a lot to do but I do hope that I can work hard enough so we can have a good life together. Please try to understand why i have to wait and do not forget me. I will watch over you and protect you as much as I can. I will write you again next year for your birthday kitten. But for now farewell. I love you princess.


                                                                                                                                              Your Prince Charming 


Samuel put the letter in his lap, tears streaming  down his face. His boyfriend had just been a cover up. He loved his prince charming and now he cheated on him. He felt like a horrible person. His prince loved him and how does he repay him? He finds another man and loses hope in his Prince. Samuel understood now that if he is going to be with his prince then he will have to promise to wait for him. 


   Alex stood in his office staring down at the laptop screen on his desk. He watched his beautiful Donna lay on his bed crying his eyes out. He had seen what just happened with that son of a bitch Joshua. Alex never liked that boy so he didn't have trouble ordering his personal bodyguard Boris to protect his Donna. 

After Samuel got a boyfriend Alex couldn't help but get jealous. This boy that didn't even treat him well got to touch and kiss his Donna! His princess should be worshiped not cheated on. That Joshua should be worshiping at his feet. Now that Samuel and him are broken up he is so ready for Sam to be done with any other man except for himself. 

Alex has men stationed at his school and a couple in the house the street posing as neighbors. He also has cameras in his house, room, and free accessibility to all of the cameras in his school. So although he can't physically be with his love, he can protect Samuel at all times. That made him a little more comfortable. But at times like this, when his love is crying and in pain. Alex wants nothing more than to drive over to his house and comfort him. 

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