1| Caught Red-Handed

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Mark and Amy were walking to they're hotel room to get settled and freshen up a bit. They were completely exhausted by the plane ride. Amy faceplanted onto the soft bed that had way too many pillows and groaned "Mark why did you had to pick Delta?" She whined her voice being muffled by the sheets. Mark just chuckled as he scooting her to the left side, to make room for him to slump on the bed next to her "I have no idea at this point." He admitted as he closed his eyes. For a moment, there was pause as the two laid on the marshmallow of a bed. Amidst the calm silence of the hotel room and the soft breathing from Amy, an old thought Mark had been trying to wrap his brain around buzzed dully. They have been a couple for years now and haven't made it known, other than to friends and family. As small as the thought was, it meant a great deal to him. While he wanted to keep her safe from all the haters and cruel fangirls that are out in the world. He also wanted to let the other fans know about their relationship. They need to know about her or else all they'd do is assume who he was with, without having the consideration for Amy's feelings. Mark drummed on the comforter for awhile before finally making his decision. "You know, I've been thinking....." Amy head shot up as she gasped holding a hand to her heard in mock surprise "Mark? Thinking? No way!!" She teased crinkling her nose "Excuse you! I'll have you know, I am very capable with thinking!" Mark exclaimed batting her with one of the pillows, causing her to erupt in childish laughter while failing to block the cushy attacks. "Ok, ok I'm done! You've been thinking, continue!" She breathed out giving Mark her full attention. "Gosh, why are you so cute?!" He thought before clearing his throat. "I've— I've been thinking. W-Would you want to make things official?? To the fans I mean." Struggling with his confession, Amy echoed out his question "Would I want to make thing official to the fans?" Mark nodded dumbly, uncertain about her response. Shifting in his spot on the bed he continued to speak. "Well—all our friends and family know we're together but they don't. And I know they can't all be accepting whenever a Youtuber is in a relationship! They get violent and jealous—so jealous. But...I feel like they need to know. Or else they're only gonna say and think what they want only because I never told them." Feeling Amy's eyes still on him, he took a deep breath "You don't have to if you don't want to. Though maybe it is time we told them...together." Silence follows after he was done speaking. He was beginning to think that she wasn't wanting to do this, a gentle hand on his told otherwise. "Of course I don't mind. You've been wanting to for awhile now and this will the perfect time to let them know too. We won't have to keep our lovelife secret anymore!" She smiled assuringly, no sign of doubt or worry. Just confidence. It was like a weight off of Mark's shoulders, he returned the smile and allowed her to snuggle up to his side. "You know what? You're right, we're gonna do just fine! And if they have anything against our relationship, then they can just k—?!" A quick, unexpected kiss caught him off guard causing him to stammer like a idiot. Laughing at how silly her boyfriend can be, she gave him a small peck on the cheek this time "Alright, that's enough. Tomorrow's a busy day, we should get some sleep." She yawned nuzzling deeper in Mark as she drifts off. "Amy?" He snorted finding her knocked out cold. Shaking his head he lays back in bed, joining her in dream land. The next morning they got up well rested, dressed, and ready to meet everyone in the lobby. "Amy! Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I last saw you!" Gab greeted her in a hug "It's so good to see you too!"Amy grinned pulling away from the hug. Only to be attacked from behind "Amy! Good to see ya lass! Still keeping Mark on his feet eh?" The familiar Irish accent needed no further explanation as she giggled leaned into the hug. "Watch it....I'm right here." Grumbled Mark as he came into view "Uh oh somebody's not sharing the love!" Jack teased as he was tackled into a hug by the dark haired male. Taking the opportunity, Gab snapped a picture of the scene. "Send that to me." Amy grinned deviously as she was shown the picture "No problem." The other quipped smugly while the men were waving their hands around frantically in embarrassment. "I trusted you!!" They cried in unison. After a few hours bonding the group made they're way to the convention. They were all there for Mark and Amy, but never the less happy for their step-up "So you guys ready for this?" Wade asked as they were getting their mics ready. Rolling her eyes playfully "Don't worry, we'll be fine" Amy smiled, hooking the mic around her ear. "Yeah, you and Molly did the same thing. Nobody had any problems." Bob intervened flicking Wade's arm, making him yelp out in shock. "Oww! You never know with these people. And you didn't have to flick me so hard!" He gritted his teeth while rubbing his arm. The two couples laughed along with everyone's concern and care for them, it was sweet to see them have their backs during this. Fans were starting to filing in. At that moment, they knew they shouldn't do anything to give themselves away yet. But the way the lighting was on Mark, had Amy in a daydream. Mind wandering from her she didn't notice the hand in her face. Mark had idea what was going on at all, he could only tell by the blush on her cheeks what she may be thinking about. "Amy? Babe? You ok, kinda of spacing out on me." He chuckled trying to snap her out of it. "Come on, we don't have time for this." That earned him a small pout as she inched closer "Not even a little?" She cooed leaning up against him. Every common sense in Mark's head, got thrown out of the window as he gave in to her persistence. Smirking cheekily, he held up her chin in his hand "Someone need a dose of Markimoo?" He teased leaning in to where their lips were just a few inches apart. "I have been feeling lightheaded today. Got any to spare?" She played along, the urge and desire to close the gap between became increasingly hard to resist. Using a fake British accent, her boyfriend decided to close the gap himself "I have amount you need. I'll sign you prescription right away, my love~" What was meant to be a harmless kiss turned into a full on make out session. They had completely missed the cue, the curtain draw back, and worst of all.....they had forgotten to turn off their mics. Felix was dying on the ground, sounding like he had busted a lung as he laughed at the scene in front of him. The rest of their friends had their mouths wide open in shock, they really didn't know what to do. "You want us to give y'all a bit privacy?!" Felix snickered and snorted as the audience just stared on with blank, red faces. Amy looked like she was going to faint from the sheer embarrassment of it all, while Mark tried to keep a straight face. His face was the same color as the curtains right now. "So.....um— how have you all been?! Quite the panel this year huh?! Bet you weren't expecting any of....this!" He wheezed out, desperately wiping the smeared lipstick off his face. "D'ahhhh.....Amy, this is everyone! Everyone, this is Amy! Yes, she is my girlfriend. No, you may not treat her poorly. And that is that— anything questions?" Mark's face was on its way to purple by the time he began gesturing to his girlfriend, who was trying to hide behind him from the public eye. He suddenly straightened up and gave the crowd a challenging look, daring for one of them to say something bad about her. They both squeezed their hands together protectively as if Mark's first speech wasn't clear enough. To their surprise the crowd then exploded in applause and screams of joy. "We're so happy for you!" "Congratulations!" "You look so good together!" "We support you!" Amy wiped a few stray tears as they listened to all the kind things their fans had to say. "We did it." She sighed leaning back into his arms "We really did. Which means.......I can do this!" Mark threw her into the air and caught her via bridal style "Shall we continue?" He grinned before Amy brought him in close, kissing him sweetly. The crowd went wild again at the couples embrace. "Get a room!! This is a kids panel!" Jack mocked.

(Decided to go back and fix up on my old works. While I know a lot of them aren't finish, it's good to go back from the beginning. Refreshes the story in you head and even can make it better than before. Now, does that mean I'm coming back and do more of these? I don't know, I'm at that time in life where things are needing to get done. My life is now leaving ground and I can't make or really finish these anymore. Still I appreciate you support and let you enjoy it for yourself. Thank you~ Grace 12/9/2020)

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