9| Out Of This World

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The soft crunching sound from dried leaves. The faint smell of rain lingering on the sweet grass. The comfort found in the coolness of the woods, soothed the stressed youtuber. It has been a long and grueling week for him. A small walking through the woods, helped clear his mind. He didn't know why he liked it so much. You'd think he wouldn't after all the horror games he endure in. However, this was real life and not a video game, so it didn't bother the man.

What the youtuber didn't know, was that something every unexpected is about to happen. He pauses as he noticed a dim light pulsing out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head, the dim light appear larger and closer than he thought. He leaned in, listening to hear the clanking of metal. "Is someone working on a project? And why are they doing it in the middle of night?" He thought to himself, curiously. He shrugged nonchalantly and began to tread in that direction "Eh, what the heck. I need some excitement tonight." He muttered, keeping a watchful eye on the ground to avoid tripping on anything. A loud boom, followed by a shout, made the youtuber break into a sprint towards danger. He feared someone would be hurt after something like that, so he didn't waste time asking questions. Finally, bursting into a clearing "Are you ok?! Anyone need help?!" He called out, looking up to meet a pair of glowing blue and yellow eyes. The world seemed to go in slow-motion as the two strangers came to realize the most surprising thing. They both jump back, pointing at each other hysterically "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE AN ALIEN!!" "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE A HUMAN!!" They screamed in pure shock. "Wait, you've never seen anyone like me before?!" They said in unison, completely starstruck by their new discovery. Mark was looking at human-like alien with reptilian features here and there. She had dark brown hair and her teeth were slightly pointed. She actually had two skins so it seems. Everywhere but her lower arms and legs had blue scales. She has a tail too! With a bit of red at the end of it.

"Whoa, you......you look so cool!!!" He smiled widely at her. She tilted her head in confusion "Cool? I do not believe I am. We Reptar can barely stand the cold. Why would you assume that I would be cold?" She muttered, flicking her tail. Mark quickly shook his head "Hahaha, no that's not what I meant. I wasn't saying you were cold. I was saying you're cool. It's a word we use on Earth, when we see something that catches our attention. Like 'oh cool shirt' or 'did you see what that man just did, so cool." It's a compliment!" He chuckled as he explained to the best of his knowledge.

"That's a good thing?" She asked trying to understand his Earth language. "Yeah, of course it is. So, you're really an alien? Where'd  you come from? Or wait, am I not supposed to ask you that?" He blurted out, realizing that he might be asking too much. However, to his surprise, she did the same thing "Uh huh! And you're a real human? I never thought I see one in person!" She chirped, before grabbing his head and pulling him closer for her to get a better look "Wow! No pointed teeth, scales, or claws? How does your species hunt?" She asked as she started inspecting his features. She kind of ruffled up his head some "Aww, and your hair's so fluffy too! Also what's going on with your feet? Is it a type of armor?" She lifted up one of his legs and studied his shoe. Off balanced, Mark nearly fell over by the sudden yet nice bombardment "Eeeeyah! N-No their not armor. Their my shoes, we wear them for comfort." He explained as he tried regaining his footing. "B-By the way, I'm Mark! What's your name?" He gestured, a little grateful that she put his leg down again "I don't have a name. On my planet I'm own as Reptar Ae3mee." She stated holding her head up high "Huh, I don't know if I want to call you that. Aemee? .........Amee?..............Amy? Yeah how about Amy?!" He snapped his fingers in satisfaction. "Is that what you like to call me? Then I accept.......for now on you can call me Amy. And that'll be my Earth name." She declared, smiling happily.

Just then, there was another blast coming from her ship. Amy let out a gasp and leaped back to the wreckage "Oh no! I don't have enough repairs for this amount of damage!! I'll never get it off the ground at this point!" She stressed, practically banging the engine with her hands. Groaning, she put her head in her hands like we would do. She allowed her tail to wrap around her legs "How am I gonna explain this to the Commander? I wasn't even allowed to get this close to Earth, but I just had to didn't I." She threw her hands up in exaggeration. Mark's heart sank a little at the sight of his new friend "H-Hey now, it's alright. So you made a mistake, but you were only doing it because you wanted to. You wanted to see Earth and a human? Well, look around! You're talking to a human already!" He exclaimed throwing his arms out. Amy seem to cheer up by his encouragement "Now, how about I show you more of this place?" He later asked. "But, how would you do that." She questioned as he helped her back on her feet.

Mark's eyes widened as he realized that it wouldn't be smart to parade a alien around LA. He thought for a moment "I think I have an idea. Come on, I'll lend you some clothes of mine." He said as they walked back to his house. Amy was given an oversized hoodie that went passed her knees. A pair of leggings and tennis shoes. It took her awhile to get use to the shoes as her people never had any reason for them. The two went into town to look at all the sites. Amy was entranced by so many lights and sounds "Oooo! Mark what is that place! There are a lot of humans, is it one of your Earth's gatherings?!" She pointed at the building on the other side of the road. Mark followed her finger before smiling "Sort of. That's a coffeehouse, it's where a lot of people go to hangout or order some refreshments." He replied keeping her close "Can we go there!" She bursts with excitement "Um sure, why not." He chuckled leading her towards the coffeehouse.

Once they finally enter, Amy was overwhelmed by all the decor and smells. She watched as people were getting their coffee and tea. "This place is amazing!!" She squealed drawing some attention "Heheh glad you like it. For you m'lady!" Mark grinned handing her a small coffee. Her eyes lit up as she held the drink "What this stuff?" She breathes, fixated on the to-go cup "It's coffee, it's what kept people going. Didn't know what you would like, so I hope that's ok?" He explained, taking a sip from his coffee. Amy slowly copied his behavior and took a swig from her iced coffee. She let out a delightful gasp as the rich, dark liquid hit her tongue "You like it huh?" Mark laughed, watching her pupils go wide "Mmhm!" She nodded vigorously, downing her precious new caffeinated drink. The rest of their night was surely one to remember as they laughed and talked about their lives and homes.

Fast forward a few years later. The two had become closer than friends. Amy had cleverly disguised her alienistic appearance. However, she allows to be herself while at home. Mark's loved everyday being with her, regardless how she looks. And they've been keeping their secret to themselves, protecting one another from the alien extremists. Traveling the galaxy together as while as making videos. Mark still can't get over space!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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