6| Singing

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Mark was working late editing videos so that he and Amy could go to Comic Con. He let out a gruff sigh as he  rubbed his temple "Whoo I need more  coffee this is starting to get me drozy" He muttered saving his work on his  computer. Mark got up out of his chair and walked down the hallway however a soft sound that echoed through the house stopped him "Huh? Where's that coming from?" He wondered as he listen to where the sound was coming from. Turns out it was singing Mark was hearing and it stunned him when he saw who it was. Amy was the one singing and dancing around in the living room nice and slow "I've been trying to do the right~" She sang beautifully making Mark's heart skip as he listened and watched "I've been living a lonely life, I've been sleeping here instead, I've been sleeping in my bed, sleeping in my bed~" She continued getting ready for the next part "So show me family! All the blood that I would bleed! I don't know where I belong! I don't know where I went wrong! But I can write a song~" She sung boldly, her voice getting stronger. Finally Mark smirked as he went over and spun her around "Wah? Mark? What are you" Amy started to ask but he just grinned "I belong with you. You belong with me, you'er my sweetheart! I belong with you. You belong with me, you're my sweet~" He sung along causing Amy to smile and listen as he sung the next verse "I don't think you're right for him, look at what have might been. If you'd took a bus to Chinatown. I'd be standing on canal and the Bowery. She'd be standing next to me~" He smirked as the two danced to the rhythm and beat. The chores started back up causing the two to sing along together "I belong with you. You belong with me, you'er my sweetheart!" The two just kept singing and dancing throughout the night singing love songs while Chica just sat there staring at them in confusion "Love, we need it now. Let's hope for some. Cause, oh, we're bleeding out~"

"I belong with you. You belong with me, you'er my sweetheart~" They finished before leaning in for a kiss. Seemed like it was the perfect night for a duet eh?

A/n: It took me awhile to find the right song I thought went well with this so I hope everyone liked it. Also for those that don't know this song is Hey Ho by The Lumineers......I love this song and lot others but let's not get started there!~Bluerazz

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