8| Costume Party

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(Idea- Amy will be dressed as Fem. Wilford Warfstache.)

Tonight was the Annual Youtube Bash! As more than several youtubers have hit their new milestone. This was a big event cause it's never happened before, so those who were attending were told to dress up in craziest costumes they could think of! Everyone was excited, getting their costumes ready and telling fans about the livestream that was also taking place. The event was held at an enormous expo in Dallas. Yep, everything was going to plan........expect that Mark lost track of Amy. He wandered around the city and even tried checking inside the expo, but he couldn't find her. This confused him "Why would she go without telling me? And where did she go?" Mark asked himself, calling her number again for the fifth time. He had already gotten dressed in his space commander suit, for the party and he was running out of time to find Amy. In his attempts to continue his search he ran into Tyler and Ethan, literally..... "Agh!" He screamed as he collided with his friends "What?! Mark, what are you doing?!" Tyler exclaimed while trying to get Mark off of them "And why are you running?" Replied, Ethan, who easily squirmed out and got back on his feet "Have any of you seen Amy? I've been looking all over for her, she's just gone!" Mark stressed as Tyler pulled him up. The two were caught by surprise "But we saw her in the hotel lobby this morning. She had only gotten coffee and went back up to your room." Tyler explained "She's still at the hotel?!" Mark gaped, his mouth hanging open like a fish "Well, no. We didn't say that, only that's where we saw her last." Ethan chuckled. He somewhat enjoyed Mark's outbursts, they were hysterical to watch in person as it was on screen. Suddenly, the clock on the expo went off, signaling that it was time for the celebration to begin "OH COME ON!! Not now!" Mark shouted at the clock, flipping it off simultaneously. A few bystanders quicken the pace doing their best to avoid eye contact "Yeah that's right! Keep running cowards!!" He then preceded to taunt "Ok, Mark that's enough. Let's get you inside." Tyler interrupted, picking the crazed youtuber up off the ground "I got this Tyler! Come on, I can take them Tyler! Let me at them! I'll bite their legs off! Tyler let go of me!! You can't keep doing this! I'll fight you!!" Ranted Mark while being dragged into the building by his cheeky friends. Inside the expo was a lovely set up. Everything was mostly decorated in bright reds and whites, however, in tribute for all the youtubers were the colors based off the awards. The place was alive and booming with guests all three know "See, it's not that bad! And don't worry, Amy will show up!" Ethan assured walking alongside Tyler as he continued to carry and drag Mark around like a toy "Exactly, so play nice with the other kids." Tyler teased swaying him from side to side "You really stink right now, y'know that?" Mark grumbled. A few feet away was two tables already reserved for them by the rest of the gang "There you guys are!" They were greeted warmly "Hey, why are you carrying Mark?" Felix asked grinning in amusement "Because they're a$$holes!" Mark snapped as he was set down "Aww I think our little man's getting cranky. Eh, Ethan?" Tyler laughed ruffling up Mark's hair "I believe your right" Ethan gasped as if to sound like his was shocked. Everyone laughed around the grumbling Markiplier "Cheer up buddy this our night, enjoy yourself!" Jack smiled in attempts of lightening his best friend's mood. He was dressed as his favorite android Conner, which was no surprise. Seeing him, made Mark relax a little "I'm sorry everyone, I'm just a little worried about Amy. She's never done this before and I don't if anything's happened to her...." Mark apologized glumly. He really does love Amy. It shows to everyone, both friends and strangers. Mark watched as they smiled sympathetically "It's alright. We know how much ya love her. But ya got t'remember she's stronger than she looks." Jack said patting his back "Now let's have some fun!" Felix shouted, completely shattering to serious moment they were having. He ran into the center of the room, dressed in his princess gown "Damn heels, making things difficult!" He screeched as he tripped over them a few times, always the drama queen that one. Shrugging, Mark went along and joined the fun, however, the thought of Amy never left his mind. The night carried on with many games, music, and dancing. It wasn't until the slow dances began that something caught Mark's eye. Or more like....someone. He stood there curiously as Catherine pushed through the crowd "What?" Mark managed to say as she went behind him "Go get her loverboy!" She laughed shoving using full force. Mark yelped, falling forward "Oops careful, wouldn't want ya getting hurt!" A soft, familiar voice giggled catching him before he could hit the ground "Amy!?!" Mark's heart practically leaped happily. He was grinning like a goof "You're ok! Where did you go?! Why didn't you say anything!? I was so worried darling!" He rambled, planting multiple kisses on her face and lips "I know, I know, I'm sorry that I scared you. I didn't want to spoil the surprise!" She said taking a step back to reveal her masterpiece. Mark was lost for words when he saw what she was wearing. Amy had on a black and white striped top, a black skirt, pink suspenders, black heels, and a pink bow tie that was in shape of a Warfstache. She smirked as she waved around a plastic knife that went along with outfit "You like it?" She hummed playfully, snapping Mark out of his trance "Like it? I love it! You look downright adorable!" He laughed pulling her in close "Shall we dance?" He asked feeling like himself, now that Amy was there. They're surroundings seem to fade away as they waltz, each movement became more intimate "You've been practicing huh?" Amy teased breaking the silence "Maybe....or I've just got a knack with these things." Mark winked, taking one hand and spun her once before elegantly dipping. They stopped there for a moment, looking into each other's eyes. They leaned in......their lips just inches apart..... "I love you Amy"....... "I love you too Mark".......once their lips touched, they're kiss developed into a passionate one. Time stood still, that's when "Whooo!! Save some room for Jesus!" The exploding voice of Jack roared throughout the room, startling the couple "Damnit Jack!" The two screamed in unison, only to find that the whole expo was applauding them. Their faces turn a deep red "H-How long w-were y'all looking?" Amy stammered in embarrassment. She couldn't believe that Mark and her forgot all of them were there "Oh we saw everything!" Tyler called out from the crowd "Are you kidding me?! You could of told us!" Mark started to rant in hopes that the chorus of whistles and commentary would end.

"Yeah, but then we wouldn't gotten this great pictures."  Ethan and Catherine joked, tempting the idea of posting them on social media.

"Smile for the livestream!"  Shouted a cameraman.

Felix *whistles*  "Keep going, I can still hear the fanfics being written."

After a long night of teasing and embarrassment. The two walked back to the hotel and buried their faces in the pillows. Let's say this was a party, they'll never forget. But was a party they both enjoyed and wouldn't change in the least.

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