5| Jealous

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Mark and Amy were out shopping for a surprise party. The two of them decided to spilt the list in half and then meet up in the checking lanes. Amy got nearly everything on her part of the list "Alright next are the chips and I'll be done with my part" She smirked as she walked in the isle "Hmm what would be the best though?" She thought looking at the different bags "Eh what the heck I do what I want" She shrugged grabbing the ones she liked and put them in her cart. Amy smiled to herself as she looked at her spoils when she heard an alarming tone "Well hello there gorgeous~" Amy turned around to see a guy who was trying to play the lead football guy, which really wasn't Amy's type. However she just smiled in a sarcastic way "Um hey can I help you sir" She groaned trying to find a way to escape the conversation "Why of course you can doll face! In fact you already had" The guy smirked inching closer to her. Amy's face flared up in disgust she opened her mouth ready to snap when the guy place a finger over her lips to stop her before she ever could "Heh yeah I know doll face your too speechless by me eh" He said acting like he was the coolest guy on earth "So here's the thing how about you and me go someplace fun?" He continued talking in a way that made Amy cringe  "Listen you idiot I'll have you know that I already have a boyfriend!" She snapped catching him off guard but only for a bit. The guy just rolled his eyes unamused "Oh please just ditch the sad dork! I'm a real man for ya doll face!" He scoffed little did he know that Mark just so happened hear what was going on. Amy felt a hand on her shoulder as she was pulled away from the creep she turned around with a rush a relief as her boyfriend stepped in  "Um excuse me but nobody talks to my girlfriend like that" Mark warned defensively but the guy laughed at him "Oh so your the doll face's guy huh? Well hate to break it to ya but I'm afraid that little missy is coming home with me tonight! So you don't have to worry about a thing I'll take good care of her" He sneered taking a step toward the two. Mark just took a deep sigh while his fists were balled up ready for a fight "So that's how you want to play it huh?" He growled as the guy was getting closer toward them "What are you-" The guy didn't get to finish as Mark's fist connected with his nose full-force which then lead to a swift kick to the groin. Amy stared in shock as the guy groaned in pain "Whoa Mark where did you learn that from?!?" She exclaimed hugging him tightly "Never underestimate a gamer. We learn a lot more than what buttons to hit" Mark boasted hugging her back protectively "In that case I think we should stick being gamers!" She cheered as they left the guy on the floor that was before they double finger flipped him. The rest of the day Mark never let Amy out of his sight and would always have a arm around her.

A week later the same happened to Mark. The two were at the mall browsing at stuff when near a coffee stand a Fangirl walks up to them and was rambling happily. At first Mark thought she was just being nice but when Amy went to get the drinks the girl started flirting with him badly "Oh it's too bad you have to date that one I mean come on you and I would make a perfect pair" The fangirl swooned as she was getting way to close to him "Ummm look lady I don't won't to be mean towards a fan but I'm with Amy and that's not changing" Mark cringed trying to scoot away but the girl kept inching closer "Aww is my markimoo being bashful come here" She cooed becoming very clinging "Oh god where Amy!?! This is getting awkward!" Mark screamed in his head looking around franticly for Amy but couldn't find her in the crowds. Pretty soon the fangirl was trying to go in for a kiss "HEY! GET OFF HIM!" Amy yelled shoving the fangirl away and off Mark who was hiding behind her now with a fearful expression "A-Amy?" He stuttered as he watched his girlfriend stomp toward the fangirl "Ugh! What is your problem can't you tell that we're meant to be!" The fangirl screeched making an attempt to slash Amy with her nails "No what the heck is with you fangirls! You clearly can't see that Mark and I are happy together! And if you are our fans then shouldn't you be happy?! Now back off" Amy retorted dodging the fangirl's  attack. Mark his under neath the tables as his girlfriend round house kicks the fangirl's head and spilling the hot coffee on her afterwards "There! That'll teach ya not to mess with either of us!" Amy huffed confidently as she walked over to where he was. She bent down and look at him in concern "I'm sorry honey did I scare you?" She cooed sounding like his mother. Mark only nodded feeling like a kid again "Do you want go home?" Amy said softly dragging him out from under the table "Amy. Don't ever let me piss you off.....ever" He finally said as she held him like a baby and walked out of the mall "It's ok marky I'm here for you!" Amy teased while everyone else were staring at the two in shock and confusion "God this is so embarrassing" Mark groaned trying to hide his face from the crowd "Aww your blushing!" She cooed making his face go redder.

A/n: Ok I'm going to be honest I think that Amy and Mark are cute together! Though it's really sad that not everyone accept that so please don't give any if the two hate it wouldn't be fair. But yeah I hope you all are enjoying this so far! Bye bye~ Bluerazz

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