3| Movie Night

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It was Saturday night and Mark decided to take a day off to spend time with his girlfriend Amy. So far the two enjoyed every moment of it. They decided that they would go see a movie afterwards to finish off the Saturday. Mark got two tickets to see the new Star Wars:Rouge One (Loved this movie!) and they sat way back to get a better view of the screen. The two would laugh and cry in parts of the movie it seemed like they really got attached to the characters within a instant of seeing the movie. Once it was over the two walked out of the theater hand in hand "Oh man that was a good movie!" Mark exclaimed jumping in the air having a fanboy moment "It was good! Though the ending was sad" Amy agreed  she had the napkin she used to wipe her tears away still clutched in her hand "Awww does someone need a hug?" He grinned already pulling her into a loving embrace "Shut up I feelings and you shouldn't mess with them" She joked playfully punching him in the arm "I would never do that my dear" Mark said picking her up in bridal style "Now shall we head back home madam?" He smirked walking down the sidewalk that lead back home. Amy just laughed before giving Mark a kiss on the cheek "Yes we shall" She nodded this making him blush like crazy "Best day off ever!" He shouted taking off towards there house and it was quiet the evening for the two.

A/n: Yes I've seen the new Rouge One and it was awesome! I'm not going to spoil anything though so for those who haven't seen it. Go do so now! It's worth it trust me~Bluerazz

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