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Amy worked as a nurse at the local hospital in LA working alongside with the infamous Dr.Iplier or Mark if you want to call him. She can't really say that they were an agreeable team. They would do every differently they working together to solve the issue. There was consent shouting left and right but that soon passed on as the years went by. Mark would start being a little more caring towards her and would listen to her advice. To be honest Amy just figured he liked her as a friends she wanted to tell him though that she loves him but she never got the time to. He would always be focused more on the patient and be stressed out at the end of the day. A few years later the ER was crazy Mark and Amy were all over the place trying to save the patients that were in serious condition. It would be very late at night by the time everything had finally settled down and the whole staff were exhausted "Whoo man what a night" Mark panted as he slumped in his chair "Your telling me I never even thought that an hospital could be so hectic" Amy gasped feeling her eyelids get heavy she felt drained "Are you kidding me? The ER always been like this" He said skeptically tossing a tennis ball up in the air "Well not like tonight it hasn't" She replied she really wanted to go home. Mark stopped and noticed that Amy was gasping a lot more than she should and was a sickly pale "Hey Amy? Are you feeling ok?" He asked having to snap her out of her daze "Huh? Oh yeah.....I-I'm fine doctor" She wheezed which was then followed by coughing fit. Mark knew what was really going on with her and his eyes narrowed "Amy I can tell your lying and you being in denial proves my point " He sighed moving his rolling chair to where she was "W-What are you doing?!" Amy questioned as he pressed a hand over her forehead "Checking signs for fever, possibly the flu if anything" He replied talking to her as if she was a patient. This made Amy very annoyed, she couldn't tell what he thought of her anymore "With all do respect doctor, since when did you ever started caring about me?!" She snapped moving his hand out of the way and was looking him dead in the eye. Mark was surprised by this outburst and didn't really know what to say to her "I mean from the first day I was assigned to you as your nurse, you wouldn't say a word to me!" Amy growled she was letting out all the confusion and frustration that had been piling up on her "Then it went from that and then you started snapping and shouting and scolding me as if I was doing everything wrong!" She continued to rant and ramble on how work was for her. Mark just sat quietly for one he didn't dare open his mouth in fear of her getting even more angry "And then somehow out of nowhere.......you then started lighten up to me and.....I don't know were starting to treat as your friend almost" She huffed tears going down her face "I'm just so confused" She said dropping back in her seat "You and I both" He sighed catching her of guard. Amy stared at him in curiosity mainly "What do you mean both?" She asked sniffling slightly "Well you are right about everything and you have every right to be mad at me. I was a major ass" Mark admitted causing her to burst out in laughter "But if that true then why all the sudden be nice to me" She said still trying to put together the pieces "Isn't it obvious why? It's because I love you" He muttered bashfully his face turning a bright red as he waited for her response. Amy was lost for words she just sat there with a blank look on her face "Look I'm not expect you to say the same especially how I treated you in the past and-" Mark was cut off when she abruptly kissed him passionately. When they pulled apart "Apology accepted and I love you too!" Amy smiled finally feeling like herself again and no longer confused. After that things were alot.....ALOT different between the two and they were happy.

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