7| The New Guy

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Amy's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring "Ugh....five minutes please" I groaned, smashing my fist on the snooze button. Failing the attempt of sleeping in, my mom started calling for me downstairs "Amy! Get up! You'll be late for school!" She shouted. The clatter of plates followed along with her voice, signaling that breakfast was ready. Reluctantly, I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for the day. I selected a soft red t-shirt, dark blue shorts, and a pair of mismatched converse
(light blue and yellow to be exact). I brushed my hair a little, but still left it slightly messy "Another 'great' Monday to go through" I mumbled as I went down my stairs. My mom was waiting impatiently "Amy, I will not say it again. We're going to be late if you don't hurry up." She sighed. Breakfast was good, even when rushed. I quickly eat all that was on my plate and dashed for the car "Honestly mom it's not like we're missing anything. Everyday's going to be the same and aside from my friends, everything's really dull." I complained as she was driving me to the Highschool. "I know you don't like it dear, believe me it wasn't enjoyable for me either. But you'll never know, something exciting may happen." She replied, sympathetically as I yawned dozing off in the passengers seat. Once we arrived the school bell went off "Oh no! I'm gonna be late!" I yelped nearly hurling myself out of the car "You still have a few minutes til the late bell!" My mom called out as I ran "Thanks mom, see ya after school!" I shouted back, before slipping through the big metal doors. I made it to my locker, grabbing whatever I'll be needing today and shoved it into my backpack "I'm gonna be late! I'm gonna be late! Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!" I repeated to myself running throughout the halls trying not to get caught by teachers. "Legs don't fail me! Legs don't fail me!" I thought, completely distracted to my surroundings when I collided with someone's shoulder "Opps sorry!" I yelled out glancing back at the person I ran into. I didn't really get a good picture of them but I too busy to notice, all I did see was dark hair. Finally though, I made to class only to hear my name "Late again Ms.Nelson? Do I need to remind you to be on time to my class?" My teacher Mr. Fuzz (I don't know). He held out a late pass that I grumpily took from his hand "No Mr.Fuzz, ya don't have to." I muttered as I sat down in my seat. As class started to begin there was a knock on our door. The school counselor stepped in and smiled "Good morning everyone! Sorry to interrupt but I have some good news. A new student from Cincinnati will be joining your class today!" She announced, moving out of the way letting our new student into the class. I perked my head up a little when I saw him "Uh hi? My name is Mark!" He waved at everyone, his gaze slowly settling on me. He was very handsome if I must say. He wore a checkered red and black flannel, worn out jeans, black tennis shoes, and for some reason a small pink mustache pin on his flannel. He had short, fluffy-like dark hair and tan skin "Mark, why don't you go sit by Matthias and Amy." The counselor insisted, gesturing over to where we sat. He politely nodded and took his seat next to us "Hey, this your first time in California?" Matthias asked striking up a conversation "Uh yeah, actually kinda nervous here." Mark laughed awkwardly "Ah don't worry about it, you'll be fine" Matthias assured as they began talking about classes, home, and what they liked. I only listened to the two of them, occasionally glancing over at Mark "He's so nice and funny." She thought to herself as she started doodling on her desk. Deep within the school hour I felt a tap on my shoulder "Hey are you coming? The bell rang" I looked up to see Mark grinning at me "Oh sorry! I guess I got so distracted, I didn't hear!" I apologized, sheepishly gathering my work "So what class do you have next?" He asked as when exited into the hall "Science. You?" I answered keeping my papers close to my chest. This seemed to make him happy "Mrs. Cladsdel? Me too! I have her second hour!" He beamed, almost skipping as he said that "Hahah you're a goofball" I giggled inching a little closer to him "What?! Me a goofball?! How could you?!" He gasped playfully. On our way to science, Mark and I became really close. I learned a lot about him too, like how he played the leading trumpet in band, his love for video games and engineering, how he was fascinated about everything space related. Once in class we were paired together to work on an environmental project. It was pretty easy actually, only thing was that Mark kept staring at me a few times. Finally I spoke up "What? Is something wrong?" I asked, looking at him confused "It was you. You were the girl, who ran into me today." He smirked while my mouth fell open in embarrassment "I-I didn't know that was y-you!" I panicked, rambling apologies and excuses "Heheh who would've known that love has ran into me" He laughed kissing me on the cheek. I turned a bright red before melting in my spot "I need be late to school more often" I laughed along with him. I fell in love with new guy and I had great time.

A/N: I'm back! Did y'all miss me? Decided to finish what I started. And with it being summer now, I'll have plenty of free time. Enjoy~ Grace

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