2| Video Game Parlor

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Mark was walking along with Bob and Wade to the GameStop not too far from his house to check out a new game that everyone was talking about. Bob and Wade had wives and even Jack and Felix had girlfriends of their own, he did not. It wasn't because he didn't have any interest in one, it's just that he wants somebody who's love him for him. He didn't want or need a girl that would use him for money. Wanted them to be special, one he could share everything with. All these requests from in his community, were anything but that. They were too young, too obsessive, and too preppy. The ones he gets from the crazed fangirls he'd like to forget ever DM'd him. He shook his head as the three entered through the glass door. The sound of a small chime went off cheerfully followed by the polite "Hello." at the cashier counter. Browsing the many selections of games, the trio noticed a problem. None of them had any idea what the title of the game was!! Frustrated, Mark put his hands on his face and let out a groan "Wade, we've been standing here for hours! Did you know about the game or not?!" He called out as the man was scrolling through his phone urgently. "I- uh, yeah give me a minute I'm looking!" Wade muttered before biting back "And it hasn't been hours!!" The two went back and forth, bickering which one was right. Running a hand through his hair, Mark scaled through shelves once again. "Nothing I haven't done already." He was beginning to think coming here was a bad idea. "Um, excuse me? You mind moving over a little?" Said a soft voice behind him. He was about to reply before stopping dead in his tracks. There in front of him was the most beautiful lady he's ever seen. She had golden blonde hair with yellow dyed tips at the end. She had brown eyes full of kindness. Mark was lost for words as he stared into them. She wore black hoodie, dark tights, and navy converses. A grey beanie complimented her whole look. "Hello?" Oh no how long was he staring!! He'd lose his head if it wasn't attached to him. Blinking quickly, Mark tried to play it off before things get more weird than it already is. "Sorry, I didn't see ya there! You surprised me is all!" He fibbed, immediately wanting to smack himself in the face for the poor acting on his end. "You sure about that?" She deadpanned catching his bluff. He had shifted over to let her see the options they had. "Relax, I'm not gonna bite...much" She smirked, a glint of mischief filled her eyes as she watched the anxious living statue. He couldn't stop himself and a goofy grin stretched across his face "Soooo you come here often?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. "Haha, no. I'm from Cincinnati, just visiting a friend." What are the chances?! Mark simply couldn't believe what was going on. It was like he was stuck inside a cheesy romcom or a fanfic :). "I'm from Cincinnati too!" He exclaimed happily, ignoring the looks he was getting from the entire store. "No kidding? That's crazy!" She copied with same enthusiasm. Brushing some hair behind her ear she went on talking "My names Amy." A faint blush dusted her cheeks as she glanced up at the handsome figure. "Like as in.." "Like Amy the Hedgehog, yes. I know I get that a lot." The two shared a laugh at the irony of her name. "And you? What's your name, big guy?" She said flirtatiously while nudging him in the arm. If Mark's brain hasn't already malfunctioned yet, it did just now. How could he have forgot his own name! Quickly he blurted it out "My NaMeS mArK!" His voice crackling from the sudden force of words that came out of his mouth. Hearing her giggle caused his heart to flip abruptly, he wanted to hear her laugh all life long. "Well, I don't leave until Thursday. Maybe we could go out sometimes, Mark." Her voice chimed sweetly in his ear, already writing her phone number on his hand. "See you then!" With a playful wave she left started exiting the store. "U-Uh huh.....s-see you then..." Mark watched her go before turning into a gushy mess. He didn't even had a problem with the arm that came swinging around his shoulder "Well~well~well~ looks like our little boy's finally growing up!" Wade teased wiping a fake tear from his eye in attempts of being dramatic. "Man, she got you good! I don't think I ever seen you get like this!" Bob said patting him hard on the back. When their offers of embarrassing him fail, they ended up having to drag their friend all the way back home. A stupid, love struck smile was plastered on his face for the rest of the evening.

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