Sorry for all you crazy " OML FILLIE FANFIC IS OFFENSIVE" people out there. Cry yourself a bridge and GET OVER IT.
Millie's pov
I sit beside Sadie at lunch. It was a normal day. Not much going on. I see a kid on a skateboard stroll in causally looking like he belongs. Yet I've never seen his face. Sadie smiles and says " oh you know that kid ". I look back over and assure her I don't. The kid gets off his skate board and heads towards us. " oh you have a admirer" Sadie says playfully. The kid walks over. " saw you ladies staring. Anything my hotness can do for you". Shocked this kid said that to our faces I fire back " yeah. Get away from us". The kid smirks and says " oh fire back. Nice. I'm Finn. Finn wolfhard. Cute accent you got there by the way ". I blush and he walks away. " OHHH" Sadie screams. China could probably hear her. I see the boy look back at me and smirk. I some how find him attractive.
I start walking home from school when I get stopped by Finn. " hey girl. Never got your name ". Oh course I wasn't going to tell him my name but I will just be a smart ass " stalker much " I say as I trudge off.
I hear my phone buzz. I check it and it's FINN???
F: hey Sadie gave me your number ;)
F; I'm not a stalker. I'm just very interested in you girl with a British accent.
M: are you trying to flirt with me
F: hehe Mabye ;)
M: fuck boy
I silenced my phone and walked off.