Scary movies

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Me dustin and Lucas were sitting down watching a tv show when el walks in. Shes been in her room all day for some reason. I saw Nancy go in her room a few times. Not that I was stalking her or anything. But she missed breakfast and I saw Nancy bring her food at lunch. Mabye she's sick or something. Dustin casually says " hey Eleven". El gives a fake smile and walks down the stairs. The stairs creek a lot and I swear one day there going to break. She sits beside me on the blanket we're all sitting on. I whisper she her. " el why were you in your room all day". She doesn't respond. Well then, ok. Dustin says " guys want to watch a scary movie". El looks confused and terrified. " what is s-scary m-m-movie". I can't believe she doesn't know what scary movies is. Well, she was held captive all her life. " dude she's so stupid I Can't she doesn't know what a scary movie is" Lucas says. Immediately I run to her defense " she's not stupid Lucas. Shut up". He rolls his eyes annoyed. I look at El and I say " he's just kidding el. A scary movie is like a movie but well scary". She nods and Lucas mumbles under his breath " I'm not kidding ".how could Lucas be so rude to el. She never did anything to him. " just. What movie should we watch". Dustin shrugs and walks over to the tv and puts a random one in.

Half way through the movie El was terrified. I said to her " el it's fake. This stuff doesn't happen in real life". She shook her head and moved closer to me. This was a horrible idea. She stands up and runs out. Lucas sighs and says " that idiot this stuff isn't real". As pissed as I was at Lucas I still ran out of the room. I chased El up the stairs. She ran in her room and locked the door. " ffffuuucKKK"I yell. Nancy walks out of her room and says " dude what's going on ". Of course it was Nancy. Just the person I needed to see. " what was going on today with el". She bites her lip. ( not in the sexy way more like the nervous way😂😂 just getting that Clear for all you dirty motherfuckers out there ) " uhhh el was..... she didn't feel that good and she didn't want to go out of her room". I nod and I turn around and knock on els door. This time she answered. I say " El it was just a movie don't worry ". She nods and hugs me

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