Crimson Illusion-Chapter 2-Faith

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“But no one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you.”


Rayne’s P.O.V.


Moments after the bright rays of the sun woke me up did I slip into consciousness and hear the annoying song of the birds on the window of my room. I didn’t even have to look to know my alarm would ring soon. I cursed myself again as the smell of dried blood hit my oversensitive sense of smell.

Resigning myself to another monotonous day I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Following my usual routine was better than having to think. Thinking always brought a great deal of pain with itself and a great wish to end my existence forever.

I tried it a couple of times. Too bad I’m not that easy to kill. Wether by my own hand or by someone else’s.

I stopped myself before I could get any deeper into my fucked up head and started picking out clothes to wear. I made sure to cover up my wrists and neck even though I healed extremely fast.

Just as I was running a hand through my hair to keep it from looking like a birds nest, my phone rang. At that time I wished that I had put it on silent mostly because the person calling me could be Dimitri and as much as I cared for and respected him, he was annoying a bit first thing in the morning.

But then I remembered the meeting I had with Arkady and the information he needed to give me, so there was a possibility that it could be him calling to tell me how the information will be delivered or something of the sort.

Shaking my head, I finally brought myself to pick up the phone and I immediately groaned at the happy and cheerful, but still a hundred percent male voice on the other end of the line.

“Why hello there, my lovable assassin. How nice of you to finally answer your fucking phone.” Dimitri all but sung out. Lucian must’ve fucked him into the matress last night for him to be so full of happiness.

“I just woke up. I was busy.” I returned, short and clipped.

“How like you to wake up at noon.” He chided.

“It’s Saturday.” I wanted to justify myself further, but there would be no point in doing so. It would only flow across his head.

He sighed.” It doesn’t matter. I called to ask if you wanted to go to the cinema. Sasha’s been obsessed with the movies on the big screen since we saw The Avengers.” He clarified.

Honestly, I didn’t want to go to the movies or to town in general, but being cooped up at home for five days straight wasn’t really so good. Well, not exactly five since I went out yesterday evening, but Dimitri didn’t have to know that.

I was all for now keeping secrets from my Alpha and all that, but I was pretty sure that Dimitri wouldn’t be so fond of the way I gained my information, or the people I gained it from. All he needed to worry about was giving orders. How I fulfilled them was my problem.

“I’ll go. When?”

“Depends if you want to meet us there or you want us to pick you up?”

“Meet you there.” I could feel the presence of the person before he even shimmered into my bedroom. In a breath, a usually well hidden knife was pressed to his throat. He didn’t flinch nor react in any sort of way other than raise his hands to show a wrapped up, black package.

“Great, because I’ve changed my mind. I’m up for some burgers before the movie. Meet us at the diner at six. Don’t be late.” I almost rolled my eyes at how unpredictable Dimitri could sometimes be.

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