Crimson Illusion-Chapter 13- Oh, fun

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“There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you will be the one to change theirs.”

Fate plays no role in my life. There is just choice, chance and dreams. I chose to take the chance to fulfill my dream.


Arkady’s P.O.V.


I always knew what I wanted to be and I knew that there were many dangers on the path I decided to take in my life. I knew that I had to be strong-willed and proud to become what I am today and that it was the only way anyone would take me seriously.

It was only because of my own efforts that I came to the top and it was because of my recklessness that I disappeared from it.

There was always a good in the evil, my father always used to say. He believed that in even the worst of situations, there was a thing to be learned, a path to be discovered, a door to be opened. And he was completely right.

A good in the evil came, when I was chained to a wall in a dungeon, iron shackles biting into my wrists. The pain was a sweet escape, I thought more than once as my mind tried to focus on things that were not very wise.

The good in this situation was not the pain, do not misunderstand. The good in the evil came a few moments later when I heard my cell being unlocked and when I scented the smell again. The perfect, refreshing smell that I somehow hoped that I had imagined when I first scented it.

But as I spent the time here, I found out that I was completely wrong about my assumption and basically the assumption of our whole world.

The man we thought was the mastermind behind the plan of death, was nothing more than another knight wanting to save the world from its demise.

They were looking for the poison so they could destroy it, not make an antidote, but destroy it, utterly and completely so it never showed its ugly effects on the world again.

Who it was that really wanted to destroy existence as we knew it, I didn’t know. Nobody did.

While they were powerful, they were also smart enough to hide their tracks. They used what they needed to use to finish the job and when it was done, they were done as well and without a trace, they disappeared again.

Hard to track and hard to find, the only thing they left behind was a weak link to me. desperate and in dire need to know was what brought Slick to me.

When the door eased open, he came in, the steel keys in his right hand and something that looked like a blanket in his other.

He was a tall person, almost as tall as I was and a bit more bulkier. Despite that, he carried himself elegantly, but with a deathly air around him. The personification of a stealthy killer nobody would ever suspect.

Young looking and innocent, perfectly sculpted to be a model of some big modeling agency. In every aspect, he was something supreme and authoritative, but I knew better than to let the appearance of heaven fool me.

He was someone who flinched whenever a loud noise came from somewhere upstairs. He talked like he was afraid to be heard, whispers just carrying over the room when he opened his mouth. Gloves he wore on his hands which he always kept close to his body.

He never tried to make eye contact and he was always a few breaths shy from falling on his ass whenever he came close to me.

His brown hair was cut short, close to his scalp, but I think that he would rather have it so long he could wrap it around his head and cover the almost invisible scars on his face. One above his lip, another running from his temple to his neck, two just below the corner of his eye.

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