Crimson Illusion- Chapter 8- The Commanders

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-Sometimes I act normal, but it gets boring so I go back to being me.

-Krasnoyarsk, an hour and several minutes by plane

Rayne’s P.O.V.

Tailing someone throughout a giant ass city wasn’t as fun as books and movies made it out to be. Especially when you had to get back on the plane with which you came to Siberia with five of the most obnoxious men and the vampire you couldn’t keep your eyes off.

As it turned out, Arkady’s generals weren’t so calm and steady as I pegged them to be. They were all as loony as Fred Krueger on crack. After they got over the fear of their deaths coming in the form of a powerful shifter slash mob boss slash protective father, they were a cherry bunch that acted as if they were drinking for the past few years and were now let into the world to mix with us unconventional folk.

And what was worse, was that I somehow- again- ended sitting close to Alexander. To be more specific, right next to the vampire. It wasn’t like there was any groping involved, but to be quite honest, when I sat next to him I felt like a sex deprived convict.

When the hour passed and we finally landed on the airstrip in Krasnoyarsk, I was ready to fuck a chair. Jacking off wouldn’t help so I resigned myself to torturously squirming in one of the rental SUV’s with which we made our way to the hotel. 

I do have to say though, the cold ass weather did wonders to keep my libido somewhat in control and by the time we made it to a giant building that looked like it could house an entire state of filthy-rich men, I was almost completely under control.

I was hoping Alexander didn’t decide to take a stroll through my brain because that would’ve just been plain embarrassing. Well, it would’ve been so embarrassing that I would gladly go and take a nosedive into that cold ass river.

When we entered the hotel, I didn’t even look at the interior which was, I was sure, amazing and decorated and shit, but I was more concerned about the fact that I would have to be sharing a room with someone and knowing Alexander, he wouldn’t let it be anyone other than him as he was, in fact, extremely possessive and jealous.

But, lucky me, the room was more of an apartment sort of thing so I guess it could be called a suite and it had two bedrooms, a kitchenette, two bathrooms that connected to the bedrooms and a living room. Maybe it was because Arkady’s father was paying for this trip in order for us to find his son was why I didn’t really want my anger issues to surface again. I could accidentally- or not- break something and then I could very well be saying bye-bye to my ass.

We didn’t stay at the hotel for long. Just to get settled in and then we were out. Somehow, it seemed as if the staying in the large and grandiose hotel was irrational and completely foolish, but I got the logic behind it. Hell, I was the one who came up with the goddamned plan in the first place.

But the plan was easier in the beginning when I just said it and didn’t actually have to do it. And by it I mean follow around a buff as hell Russian man that worked for Slick and was, as it seemed, now either making sure there were no debts that anyone owned to his boss or collecting information.

My bet was on the first one, Keegan thought it was the second one and so we had a bet going. We decided we would split up and follow Slick’s two generals, or, as they were called in Slick’s mafia, generals. They were basically the same thing, only with a different title.

And the action was sort of like when we split up and started warning the leaders and hunting down Devlin in the beginning, when this whole mess started. I was in a rented car- and how I hated rented cars- with Keegan and Duke. In the other car, the SUV, were the rest of the generals that came along on the trip and Alexander and they were trailing after another one of Slick’s commanders.

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