Crimson Illusion- Chapter 10- Bad or worse?

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Rayne’s P.O.V.


“What the hell is going on?” Duncan growled, “It was supposed to be there.” he let out a frustrated sigh and plopped down on one of the beds. The rest of the generals were also here as well as Alexander.

We were currently trying to figure out if the information Arkady supplied to me about Slick’s whereabouts were true or false. As we were comparing the information with the clear picture we got when we neared the place Slick’s mansion was supposed to be at, we were starting to think that Arkady was wrong.

We went to the place and lo and behold, nothing was there. Just a piece of land that wasn’t even big enough to fit my apartment on. Around it were trees for miles and miles and we double checked the whole forest the mansion was supposed to be on, nothing.

Nada. Not even a trace of any paranormal activity. At least none that any of us could sense. There was no fucking trace of anyone ever living there or anyone ever being there. There were no scents of werewolves or vampires or any fucking kind of other shifters in the area at all.

“Maybe the information was wrong.” Duke said as he lazily threw his arm over the back of the chair he was sitting in and ran a hand through his white hair.

Ruslan snorted and almost choked on the water he was drinking. He wiped his mouth, shooting Duke a look. “You think Arkady was wrong?”

“I’m just dishing out the possibilities.” Duke defended himself.

“Maybe it’s something that’s not letting us see the house.” Brock suggested, crossing his arms across his chest.

“I wouldn’t put is past Slick to do something like that.” Duncan sneered.

“How the hell do we figure out what the thing that’s keeping us from the house is?” Brock asked, baffled.

“And how can it keep us from ramming into the house? We’ve walked across that field two times, at least one of us would be able to feel something.” I said.

“Magic can do a lot of weird things. Maybe this is one of them.” Alexander said.

“Great. Now if anyone knows a witch or a warlock, that’d be great.” Keegan drawled.

“I think we do.” Alexander said and shot a look towards me.

I raised an eyebrow to that. Since when did we know a witch?

“Think back, wolf. You must’ve read it somewhere. How do you think came the legends of Pheonixes rising from the flames?” Alexander smirked.

“Devlin?” I asked, baffled. I didn’t understand.

“While he’s not a full witch, many Pheonixes are known to have magical properties. And while Devlin never said he had any sort of clue to magic whatsoever, I bet he would know what’s going on. Or at least he would know somebody who would be able to help us.”

I raised an eyebrow. Now that I thought about it, there was mention of that in some of the old books the Alpha gave me to read, but not much. When I asked for more books, he said that was all he had, but years later, I discovered the old library in the back of the house. Of course, being the child that I was, I couldn’t bear to break my Alpha’s orders so I left it alone.

“So call him.” Ruslan said, seemingly bored.

I tsked and got my phone out, scrolling through my contact list I found Devlin and hit dial. I put the phone on speaker so everybody could hear and looked around the room at the men standing there, patiently waiting for the Pheonix to answer his phone.

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