Crimson Illusion-Chapter 7-It's going to work

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Arkady’s P.O.V.

-Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, underground facilities of the large manor

The next time I opened my eyes, I immediately regretted it as the blinding lights made me blind for a few moments. When my eyesight came back again, I noticed I was still in the cell, but this time somebody just turned on the lights.

“Wakey, wakey, kitty cat.” A thickly accented voice called from somewhere in front of me. I couldn’t really place the accent, but it sounded Russian.  It was heavy and strong, some words not really said correctly.

“Go to hell.” I groaned, my head slumping as I felt the tiredness hit me like a mac truck. Being chained to a wall for even an hour was tiring. Being chained to a way for two days was goddamned exhausting.

“Been there, done that, made Satan piss his pants.” another man said with somewhat of a southern drawl to his words.

Lifting my head, I saw that there were only the two of them. Both tall and muscular, looking hell bent on pissing me the hell off. They were both wearing black cargo pants and combat boots with black T-shirts that covered their broad chests but revealed the tribal band around both their left biceps.

“What do you want?” I bit out, eager to have them out of my sight. My British accent was slipping and the words came out rougher than I wanted them to be. The two of them noticed, I was sure, but they chose not to comment on it.

“It is simple.” The Russian answered, “We want to know where you hid it.” his eyes hardened on me and his lips thinned making the American take a small step forward, as to insure that the Russian wouldn’t jump on me as it was evident that he was getting angered.

“Hid what?” I asked, confused.

“The poison. You tell us where it is and we might just let you live.” The Russian bit out.

I frowned, not knowing what they were talking about. I raked through my brain trying to figure out what they meant. It couldn’t be the Medusa’s poison as I really didn’t know where it was. Well, I did know where it was, but it wasn’t me that brought it to Slick. And I couldn’t come up with any kind of poison that would be beneficial to Slick or his men.

I was left staring at the two, watching the anger play on the Russian’s face and the amusement slowly creep up in the American’s.

“I think that you’re either playin’ us or you don’t know where the poison is.” The American mused, “Don’t matter. It ain’t our job to find out.” He flashed me a toothy grin and turned around to leave. His Russian partner didn’t move until the American basically dragged him from the cell.

Rayne’s P.O.V.

The same day

Two days after I found out that Arkady was kidnapped I was on a private plane, flying to Russia. The plane was packed to it’s capacity with people. Most of Arkady’s generals, Alexander and me. as Arkady had seven generals, two had stayed back in America to watch over things and the remaining five had suited up, armed themselves to the teeth and presented Alexander and me with an assault team that would make even the Spetsnaz proud.

Arkady’s father was pacing, raging and cursing up shit storms since he found out his son was missing. Nothing was publically declared, but the underworld was restless and it was clearly visible by the tension running through the people at the local sumps I visited.

Alexander and I had researched and dug up everything we could about Slick and his aquaintances and we ran through the information Arkady sent me countless of times, finding weak spots, blanks and basically everything that could give us an advantage.

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