Crimson Illusion-Chapter 6-So it begins

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We shall pray for the best, plan for the worst and demolish the rest.

Rayne’s P.O.V.


I opened my eyes and was met with a well-toned chest, muscular and fairy tanned. Warm as well, with ridges in all the right places. It was broad and wide, perfectly formed to fit the tattoo that covered one side and curled around the pebbled, brown nipple and went all the way back over the shoulder.

Of course, as if Fate didn’t think I’ve had enough temptation, she had to throw in a nipple piercing. Well, nipple piercings to be more exact. And she probably knew how much I liked ink on any kind of person, so she just shook some more in the mix.

And so before me lay a god-like figure, who, even asleep, emitted power and radiated authority.

Alexander’s face was that of a Greek god, maybe even more worthy of a seat on Olympus. His whole body was like carved in stone and then given life. It was like nothing on this world. Completely unique and one-of-a-kind.

His black hair fanned out on the white pillow, contrasting sharply with the fabric. The strands of hair looked soft. Soon I was running my hand through his hair, as if something out of this world took my hand and guided it, then held it there, I couldn’t stop.

The strands were as soft as they looked. And they were so smooth, clean and they felt amazing on my fingers. Completely mesmerizing me and making me focus on what I was doing, not letting me get to anything else.

“Mmm, do not stop.” he mumbled, his eyes still closed.

He tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer to himself, lowering his head so I would have better access. There was nothing sexual about this, I noticed. Just mutual fondness of the act.

Or maybe that was just me trying to justify my actions to myself.

“I wasn’t planning on it.” I whispered and closed off the rational part of my mind. I really didn’t want to stop and the only thing that could stop me was Alexander himself or my thoughts.

Then the events of last night came back to me.

The way everything was going great and the sudden assault of fear. The anger that mixed with fright was something very dangerous as I learned from experience. My mind jumped to when Alexander came into my apartment.

I tore away from Alexander and shot off the bed. My legs wobbled and gave up under me, sending me crashing to the floor. Strong arms wrapped around me though, keeping me from falling and my back was pressed against the warm chest I was staring at moments ago.

“Let go of me!” I roared, trying to get out of Alexander’s grip that tightened as I resisted.

“Enough!” he ordered sharply, his voice making me snap out of my frenzy, “Just enough.” He lowered himself to the floor slowly, bringing me with him. My head collapsed on his shoulder, my eyes closing. “Explain it to me. Explain why you did this.” he said gently.

“I don’t know.” I answered, my voice raspy, “I didn’t want to hurt you I think. I don’t know why. I hurt you yesterday. And if I wasn’t close to you I couldn’t hurt you right? I can’t hurt you.” I rambled. My words didn’t even make sense to me, but Alexander seemed to understand hem perfectly well.

He lifted us up from the floor and then to the bed. He took a blanked from the foot of the bed and wrapped it around me, securely tucking me in, before he helped me get up again. We headed to the kitchen without a word.

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