Crimson Illusion- Epilogue- The end and the beginning

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Chapter 16

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. That makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.”

            -Alexandre Dumas

Alexander’s P.O.V.


There comes a point in your life where everything just clicks together, like pieces of a puzzle perfectly in a row and then you just know that that’s it. This is where I’m supposed to be. This I who I’m supposed to be. This is what I’m supposed to be doing.

A lot of things can be responsible for that ‘click’. Success in your carrier, your first child being born, getting married, coming out as gay, figuring out that you were supposed to be a woman and not a man and so on.

For me it was the first time I held Rayne in my arms. I remember everything to the last detail. I remember his soft breath on my neck, the way he tensed when I moved, his fingers clutching my shirt close to possessively.

I couldn’t tell you exactly what made Rayne so perfect for me, because he probably wasn’t and I couldn’t tell you what made me perfect for Rayne just as much.

Our relationship wasn’t like the relationship Dimitri had with Lucian just because the two of us weren’t Dimitri and Lucian. We were Rayne and Alexander and we weren’t perfect for each other.

We were just the thing that made each other ‘click’ and that was the thing with relationships; no two were the same.

Just as no two fingerprints were the same, no two relationships were either. Hell, no two relationships were even alike or similar. There was no way one relationship could remind you of another.

There was no way that one couple did the same things in a same way as another couple. That would just be idiotically stupid to even think about.

Two people might consider fighting foreplay and there could be another couple that could consider the same thing, but one couple might fight about the taste of their coffee this morning and another could go full on fist-fights.

There were no two relationships that were the same… but there were same things that could make two people ‘click’.

When two people got together and ‘clicked’ with the help of the same things, those two people saw each other in a different way. There was no insta- anything before something brought you together.

And being brought together didn’t necessarily mean being brought together in a romantic relationship or even a sexual relationship.

That also didn’t mean that your sexual relationship couldn’t be romantic or that your romantic relationship needed to be sexual. There can be people who would base their relationship on sex and sexual things before romance.

And there can most certainly be people who would base their relationship on romance before sex or exclude sex as a whole out of the relationship.

There was a common misunderstanding that when two people are in love then they have to ‘solidify’ that relationship with sex or with having a child. That was some sort of ‘has to be done’ thing that went on in, oh well let’s see… forever.

People couldn’t understand that as long as two people trusted each other and respected each other enough they could have a relationship how they wanted. A relationship was not something for which rules were engraved into rock.

A relationship was a fully customizable, fully personalized community people were in for as long as they wished to be.

There were all kinds of relationships; ménages, asexual relationships, trans relationships and so on.

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