2. Run

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The bloody smile that the vampire gave me will haunt me for the rest of time.

"Run, Al!" were the alpha's last words before he was tackled to the ground.

So I ran like a coward.

I ran through the forest as the alpha's screams rang in my ears.

"Hello there." A voice from one of the monsters shouted to me.

Those words propelled my legs to run even faster. I have always been faster than the other wolves, but I was no match for a vampire. Biologically speaking, vampires are faster than any creature. They are the natural predators of werewolves.

I pass the border of my pack, the mud squishing between my toes as I begin to breathe heavily. That's right, I forgot my shoes.

Don't let it distract you. Keep running, I think to myself reassuringly.

Whoosh. The sound of wind alerts me that they are catching up faster than I was expecting.

My heart races as I think of what is going to happen when I finally run out of breath. My heart aches at the thought of leaving Addison. Everything in that pack was now up in flames. My entire life was burning. My family, my friends.

A tear drags down my face and I quickly swipe it away. As I look back up to see where I was going, I run directly into a body. It is like when someone slams into a pole in the cartoons. The man didn't move an inch, he just caught me from sliding down to the ground.

I look up to see that he might be the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. He has dark messy hair and pale white skin. He is skinny, but muscular at the same time. His eyes are a kaleidoscope green as his thick eyebrows furrow at the sight of me.

"Slow down there, Love" he chuckles as I freeze in place. His accent is foreign as it fills my ears. My head spins from the impact as I hear the other vampires catch up to me. I stand to my own feet and back away from the man.

I turn around to see that he and I are surrounded by seven devilish fanged creatures.

"She's fast." One says breathing heavily. "For a wolf."

"Well, nice knowing you," Another said, lunging at me. I shrivel in place and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Wait." The man says casually as he raises a hand in the air. The vampire ceases his movements only inches away from me.

"You're not just werewolf are you?" He inquires, looking me over.

I swallow, trembling under his gaze.

"Answer me, Little wolf. This could save your life." He sounds impatient.

"What is it to you?" I spit, raising my posture to hide my fear.

He smirks, placing both hands behind his back. He approaches me with two steps and then lends in closer.

"One of my men said you were fast for a wolf. Is that true?" He tilts his head to the side.

"Definitely." The man nods, still trying to catch his breath.

"And for someone your height, even with the speed of a canine, you should not have caused my man to lose his air." He narrows his eyes. "You are too frail to be of a noble wolf bloodline."

I suck in a shallow breath. What does he want from me?

"What are you then?" He asks again. I look down at the ground and study my bare feet. "Hm?"

I raise my chin, my lip curling, "Maybe your man is just slow for a vampire." I narrow my eyes in return.

"Maybe." He nods, stepping back, "Grab her and let's go." He waves his hand, turning his back to me.

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