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Chapter song: Ghost- Halsey


After that date with Tyler, everything seemed magical around me. The pack loved me and I was working to get to know some of the members. It had been about a week and a half since Liam left me here. I was upset that he left... At first. Then Tyler was there. Tyler has always been there. My feelings for Liam seemed to fade further and further every time I was with Tyler and I didn't even care. What really worried me, was when he would return for me...

I pushed all of my fears and feelings for Liam deep down where I couldn't access them. I didn't need that kind of stress right now. I stepped out of the steamy shower and dressed myself quickly in a simple long sleeved shirt and leggings. I then made my way down the hall to Tyler's office where I knew he was sitting at his desk ruffling his perfect hair while he stared at paperwork. I took a small peak through the crack of his office door and smiled as I saw him exactly as I had imagined.

There he sat, beautiful as ever, messing up his hair as he gently chewed on the end of his ink pen. He sat in front of a large stack of papers that he studied with a very focused expression. I decided not to enter the room and disturb him, instead I continued down the hall to my place of worship: The kitchen.

Ah the kitchen, home to many foods to indulge in. My personal favorite was the dark chocolate chips hiding in a high cabinet above the stove. It was a long, hard journey to get to those delicious chocolatey chips, but it was worth the risk. I was small and short, so to get to my treat, I had to climb on the counters and stove and then stand up. I had done this task quite a few times and my once full bag of chocolate chips was now only a quarter filled. I stood on the counter and grabbed the bag, a frown appearing on my face at how much I had already eaten.

I looked down and examined my stomach for signs of weight gain from my new found unhealthy diet I had taken up since I came back. No fat seemed to stick out. I shrugged and opened the bag of chocolate chips as I stood on the counter. I didn't have to worry about the counter breaking considering I wasn't too heavy. I Shoveled a handful of the chocolate into my mouth, the wonderful chocolate melting with direct contact to my warm tongue causing me to let out a small moan of happiness. The chocolate was amazing! I quickly chomped another handful as if the chocolate would disappear any second. I hid it in the very top cabinet away from everyone else.

"Enjoying that chocolate?" A sudden voice asked, making me jump and whip around on my heel in the direction of the voice. The chocolate chips slipped out of my hands towards the ground and I moved to catch them only to lose my balance and topple off of the counter into strong arms. "That could've been a nasty fall." He concluded in a smooth voice as he set me down gently on the counter.

"I'm glad you caught me." I said with a smile. "Now what are you doing out of that office?"I joked as I looked into Tyler's lust-filled brown eyes.

"I'm sorry. I was distracted by the sounds of my mate moaning over chocolate." He huffed. "You should really go to your room if you're going to openly enjoy your chocolate."

"Is that jealousy I sense?" I questioned playfully as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He moved closer to me, our faces were inches apart. "Yes." He let out a deep low growl from the back of his throat as he closed the space between us with a deep kiss. I returned the kiss with equal amount of passion as I sat on the counter. Tyler ran his arms down my side as I reached up and gripped his hair with both of my hands.



A grunt was heard as I sent another powerful kick to the side of my enemy that lay helplessly on the floor. "Where is Kai?!" I demanded to the bloody man.  I kicked him once more in frustration.

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