"Ugh we've been in here for hours." I whined as I lay on the cold hard cement floor in my wooden cage.
"Please be quiet, Kitten, I'm trying to sleep." Tyler rang from his cage next to me in an exhausted tone. He lay on the floor, his body parallel to mine. His arms were covering his face as he laid. He seemed worn out. Broken almost.
"Tyler what is wrong?" I demanded frustrated.
"Nothing." He replied with a long sigh as if I was a child bugging him when he was trying to work. This angered me! He cant just treat me like that and expect me to let it slide.
"No!" I objected. He sat up and turned his body to face me, our eyes meeting.
"No?" He raised an eyebrow as he questioned me.
"You're acting like you don't want to be around me!" I practically shouted.
"I don't want to have this conversation right now, darling." He stated before leaning back down.
"NO!" I commanded at the wolf. He shot back up faster than lightning, rage on his face.
"Don't test me right now, Sweetheart." He spat as his glare remained glues on his perfect features. "And DON'T tell me no." He barked.
"Alex"He growled.
"What. Is. Wrong?" I spoke fearlessly.
"The fact that this is all my fault! I got you stuck here! I almost killed you. I let you leave my pack in the first place!" He yelled at me. My mouth opened slightly as I realized how upset he was.
"Tyler..." I began.
"Just-" He cut me off, "just don't." He finished before he slumped back down, his hands on his face.
Suddenly, the wide door swung open and Dylan entered abruptly. He walked over to my wooden cage and fumbled with the lock before opening the door. He took a step into my cage and grabbed me by my arm. I wiggled in his strong grasp, trying to escape. Tyler sat up and growled at Dylan as he yanked me out of the cage.
"If you hurt her I swear I will SLIT YOUR THROAT!" Tyler screamed at Dylan as I was dragged out of the room. The door slammed behind us, blocking the profanities escaping Tyler's mouth.
I sat in a cold metal chair at a small white table as I grew impatient of waiting. It had been thirty minutes of sitting and I was bored. I stood from the cold chair, making a circle around the small white interrogating room. I stood in the corner near the door, clearing my thoughts. Were Russell and Addison worried about me?
My thoughts raced as I hardly noticed the metal door swing open towards me, almost hitting me but stopping at the wall, trapping me in a small triangle between the corner of the white wall and the cold metal door. I heard someone enter and then the door was closed swiftly, revealing a man. My fist worked faster than my brain as I slammed a fist into the guys face. He stumbled back in surprise. I jumped in fear as I realized I had just punched the leader in the face.
"Well hello to you too." Kai grunted, rubbing his chiseled jawline where I had punched him. That would bruise later. I gulped in fear of what he would do about my act of violence. "I suppose that was my fault. For startling you." He concluded, fixing his messy blonde hair out of his eyes. I stared at him in shock that he hadn't slapped me yet. "I'm not going to hurt you." He reassured as if he could read my mind. I let out a small breath of relief as my heart returned to a normal pace. He then, motioned to the small chairs at the shiny metal table, "Sit."
I walked to the table, seating in one of the chairs then glancing back up into his blue eyes. he leaned over the table, looking into my hazel eyes and took a small breath before he began to speak very seriously now.
"How many of them are there?" He questioned.
"What?" I asked puzzled.
"Of your kind."
"Innocent people?!" I stammered.
"WEREWOLVES!" He finally raised his voice. My eyes widened as I realized exactly what he was talking about.
"You-You're not a werewolf?" My hazel eyes wide with awe. What was he? Was he a completely different beast? Was he...Human?
He let out a small chuckle, fixing his blonde mane "No darling, I am what you would call a hunter." He smiled down at me. "We hunt werewolves." He stated so simply.
"Excuse me?" He almost choked at my bluntness.
"Did I stutter?" I countered before I leaned back in my chair. He groaned in annoyance before storming out and slamming the door behind him. I smirked.
A few moments later, I was claimed by Dylan and shoved back into my wooden cage.
"Alex!" I heard Tyler whisper to me as I sat on the floor of my cage.
"What." I grumbled.
"What happened?"
"Nothing. They questioned me that's all." I spoke softly. "And maybe I angered their leader.." I finished.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" Tyler asked in shock, "Alex are you trying to get yourself killed?" He came to where our bar met. His face rest on the bars as he looked at me sadly. "I really wish I could come over there." he pouted.
"Me too..." I looked down, holding back tears. I regretted everything. Running away, leaving Tyler, splitting up with Addison in the woods. Everything. A small tear forced its way out of my sad hazel eyes and made its way down my cheek as other tears threatened to escape my eyes.
"Hey... don't cry." Tyler cooed, poking his arm through the cage to stroke my arm. This caused all of the tears to break free and flow down my red cheeks as I began to sob.
"Are we going to survive this?" I choked out the words through my sobs.
"Of course." He reassured.
The door opened once again, silencing my sobs as we both looked up to see that it wasn't Dylan standing at the door.
"Helloo muts'." Kaden mused evilly as he strode over to our cages. "Mmm It smells of sadness and suffering in here." He smiled down at us. "Now," He said with a clap, "who wants to come with me first?" He pointed to the two cages.
"Buzz off" Tyler growled at Kaden.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk that wasn't very nice, looks like you get to come first!" He rang gleefully as he went for the door to Tyler's cage.
"I will go... Just don't hurt Alex." He hung his head in defeat.
Kaden paused at Tyler's words, his dark eyes grazing until they met mine. An evil smile spread across his features as he changed direction towards my cage. "You know, Tyler, I'm thinking I will make the girl suffer before you. That way it hurts you twice as much." He howled out an evil laugh as he opened my cage and grabbed me roughly before dragging me out.
"No!" Tyler screamed as he scampered up, gripping the bars. "Leave her! Take me!" Tyler pleaded as Kaden dragged me towards the door. "Kaden I swear! When I get out of here you're dead!" Tyler shook the bars to his cage as he barked at Kaden.
"For that, Mutt, the girl will suffer twice as much as you will." He grunted as he dragged me out of the room as I struggled against his nails that dug into my arm.
What do you think? Leave me a comment and don't forget to push that vote button! :P

The Hybrid
WerewolfI jumped to my feet and punched him in the side. There was hardly an effect. "You're weak" he spat, walking a step closer towards me. I growled as I had had it with this blood sucking devil! My blue eyes fumed in anger as my wolf was released. I a...