The huge buildings twinkled. Huge signs lit up the streets. Nighttime in the city was a whole new world and my eyes had just been opened. Everything smelled better. The lights were brighter. The air was breezy and warm on my bare arms. My body just wanted to jump around the streets, dance though the air of the busy night.
"This-" I breathe in, "this is beautiful."
Liam's hand laces mine, "come on, I want to show you something magnificent."
I nod and he runs off, dragging me with him towards a huge building. Within minutes were at the top, looking over the city.
My jaw drops at the sight. Buildings stand tall and strong, spanning out for miles. The stars dance in the sky, gleaming down at the marvelous city. Down below, cars buzz around like little bees. People appear to be ants from this height as they walk around in crowds.
"You were right... this is amazing!" I exclaim.
His eyes lock onto mine. "Still want to end it all?"
A knot forms in my throat. He walks around me slowly.
"The beauty of the city will be gone..." He waves his arm over the horizon,
"the colors will be no more..." He is behind me now, right beside my ear, "everything will be gone." My breath hitches as his hands graze my waist.
He wraps his arms around my torso and my body whimpers under his touch. He pulls me closer, his lips still by my ear and I arch my neck to the side.
"This feeling..." he moves my hair to the side, exposing my neck. My eyes flutter closed as his lips make contact with the tender skin. His lips move back to my ear and and with a tickling whisper says, "this.." He kisses my neck again. His arm moves down to hold my hand. "Will all be gone." He suddenly whips me around to face him but he is gone.
I gulp air, the sexual tension is released and it is as if my mind is returned to me. I look into the distance but he is nowhere in sight.
I sigh, "I tried to end it because I had nothing, Liam!" I brush my hand through my dark hair in frustration. "Everything fell apart months ago!" I fight back tears thinking of all that I have lost. "M-my family, my best friend, my mate, even my goddamn humanity!" I turn back to face the edge of the roof, the city.
A hand grabs mine and he is next to me. "You didn't lose everything." He states. I turn my head to look at him but he is facing forward, no emotion is on his face.
"At the time, yes I did... I don't even know why I came here with you." I wipe away a tear. "After everything you did." I break my hand away from his and walk away from the rooftop. I make my way down the stairs alone.
It is dark in the stairwell. Not as light as it was when Liam was there. Nothing is as bright anymore. Especially not my mood.
Why did I even come here? Why is he even here? What does he want with me. Another tear falls.
Probably to use me as a trophy again.

The Hybrid
WerewolfI jumped to my feet and punched him in the side. There was hardly an effect. "You're weak" he spat, walking a step closer towards me. I growled as I had had it with this blood sucking devil! My blue eyes fumed in anger as my wolf was released. I a...