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After a volcano erupts, the burning lava cools down until it finally hardens into black rock. Rain begins to pour from the dark sky. Cold drops shower my hair and clothes. I open my eyes and take in the sight before me. Cleo is dead. She lays crumbled on the ground- lifeless. Shock overtakes me. I drop the bloody knife in my hands and scramble away from the corps. 

I killed someone. Tears rain out of my eyes as I curl up next to a tree. 

"Alex!" Yells are heard as footsteps walk towards me. My brain floods with emotions and thoughts. I just killed someone. The footsteps stop and I hear hushed voices. 



I see Alex stab Cleo in the chest and she falls limp. My heart stops as I stare in shock. Alex just killed her. It begins to rain and she opens her eyes in shock. She drops the knife and scrambles from the tree. She scoots along the ground in fear until her  back hits a tree, stopping her. She then curls up into a ball and begins to sob. 

"Alex!" I yell out as I run to her. I can't believe she disobeyed me. Rage fills me. My arm is roughly ripped back, stopping me from my advance. I turn to face Liam, my anger growing. "Haven't you done enough?" I growl.

"Leave her be, mate." He threatens, his grip on my arm tightening. I rip my arm away from his hand. 

"Listen, Buddy," I spit, "She's mine and I need to deal with her." I groan. I can't handle him right now. I need to go to Alex. I turn away again but he puts a hand on my shoulder, yanking me back once again. 

"She's had a break." Liam states. "All of her emotions have flooded her and unlocked a new rage. This rage has accessed her vampirism." He points towards Alex as she lays crumbled and sobbing. "Her strength is greater, her emotions are heightened, and her fangs are longer." He explains. 

I run my hand through my soggy hair. "Okay. So how do we fix her?" 

Liam chuckles. "There's no fixing her, Mate. You've just made her better." He pats me on the back roughly. I growl. 

"Emotional or not, she will listen to me." I state as I shove past him and make my way towards Alex. 

She sits at the base of the tree with her head in her knees. She has her arms over her face and gripping the top of her drenched hair. I slowly approach her and crouch down to her level. 

"Al?" I coo. 

"I killed her." She speaks at barely a whisper. Her breath is shaky. 

I don't even know how to reply about that. She brutally murdered a member of my pack. 

"It's okay." I reply as I reach a hand out to rub her arm. Her head snaps up. Her eyes are dark and bloodshot. She looks deadly as she bares her long fangs at me. 

"No it's not!" She growls. "You slept with her." She moves a swift arm to scratch me in the face with her claws. My cheek stings and I feel blood trickle out. 

"Alex stop!" I grab her arm and stare her in the eyes. Rage fills me as she glares at me wanting to challenge. "Don't challenge me, darling. It won't be pretty for you." I grit through my teeth. She stands to her feet and I follow her moves closely. I stand up as well and we never break eye contact. 

"Is it that I'm not good enough for you?" She yells through the rain. "Did the Goddess choose wrong?" She screams. "Why her?" Her rage radiates through the forest. 

"Do you want to play that game?" I roar back. "What about your little relationship with Liam, Hmm?! How come that's allowed?" 

"Yes but I didn't sleep with him! I ended things once I got back! I didn't keep going back!" She screamed. She paced in the pouring rain. "How often would you go see her? You obviously went tonight! WHY!" She moved forward and shoved me hard in the chest. 

The alpha instinct in me kicked in. There is no way she can challenge me like that. I steamed with anger as I moved towards her. She shifts into her wolf. Her eyes are red instead of their normal electric blue and her long fangs hang out of her jaw. 

She is a hybrid. 

I shift into my massive midnight wolf and we pace in a challenging circle.

Thunder crashes in the distance as cold droplets spew from the cloudy sky. We pace slowly in a circle, growling and nipping the air threatening. She snarls in my direction is pure disrespect. In a quick instant she has lept into the air and latched her long claws onto my back. Claws drag down my back, drilling for blood. I leap back into a tree, crushing her against the sharp bark. She yelps in unsuspecting pain and releases. She rolls on the ground and is back to her feet quickly with a mad look in her eyes. This is not her. She claws the air and nips her jaw. She leaps again but I dodge her, sending her crashing mussel first into the mud. She growls in annoyance as she stomps back to her feet. I take my turn and lunge for her, knocking her down and shoving a rough paw on her chest. I have her pinned. She moved her head and clamps her sharp fangs into my right leg. I welp in pain and she shoved me off of her. I stumble on the ground, unable to use my leg. She stalks towards me with a deadly look in her eyes. It's this moment that I realize everything I have lost. Guild overtakes me as I think of memories we could've made... We could have had pups together. She continues her slow walk towards me. She finally reaches where I lay helplessly and she shoves me to the ground with a rough paw. She opens her mouth, bearing her fangs as she readies herself to attack. 

Just as she yanks her head down to bite my throat, she is ripped off of me by a strong arm. Liam holds her roughly to his chest restricting her movements. 

"I told you not to mess with her! She is unstable." He chastises. I limp over to my shorts and shift back into my human form, clothing myself.

"She challenged me." I firmly state. She squirms in his grip, snapping her jaw at me threateningly. 

"Stop!" Liam looks her dead in the eye and sternly commands her. She ceases her movements. Why is it that she listens to him? He softly strokes her soaked fur as he holds her closely to his chest. 

I sigh loudly and wipe some water from my face. "Just give her to me and I will deal with her." I reach both hands out to take her but Liam steps back. 

"No. What she needs is to be away from you." He retorts. 

Ouch. His words stung me like a wasp. 

"Just give her to me. She's my mate." I command as I step closer to him. 

"No."His eyes are a fiery red.

I growl out at him. "I am not letting her go with you, Liam." He looks almost shocked at my firmness. 

"And what is it you plan then?" He took a step towards me, still holding her now shivering body. 

"She murdered a member of my pack. I cannot cover that up." I stiffen, standing up straighter. 

"She needs to come with me." were my final words. 

Liam knew what would happen if he refused, she would be on the run. I wasn't going to let her get away with this. I didn't recognize her in this form. So much rage came over her. 

Because she was part vampire. And they hid this from me.

Liam nodded, setting Alex onto the ground and grabbing her snout, staring straight into her eyes. 

"Shift back, dear."

And then she scurried off behind a tree. When she appeared again, she was wearing a large t shirt. Her eyes were once again filled with tears.

She collapsed at the base of the tree, head in her hands. 

I turned my hard gaze back to Liam. I hated him. He had ruined her. 

"Do not come back here." I growled at him. "She is broken because of you." My words sank daggers into his ears. 

He looked sad. Can a monster like him have feelings? 

He smoothed down his jacket and cleared his throat. 

"Very well, alpha." Nodding his head he turned away and rushed off into the thin air. 



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-Sarah :P

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