Gone With the Wind

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His hair is as perfect as ever. He stands, back pressed against the tree, me on top of him. 

How ironic, usually it is him shoving me into trees. Oh, how the tables have turned. The smirk dances on his lips as my eyes widen in shock. 

"Hello, Little wolf." he greets. 

I take a step back from him, releasing him from my grip. 

"H-How did you find me?" I stare at the vampire in front of me. 

He pushes off the tree with his leg and takes a step closer to me, not breaking out gaze. 

"I will always find you." Were his only words as he brings a finger up to my chin, lifting it slightly. 

My breath hitches. Is he not mad at me?

He breaks my silence by saying, "Now, ready to go?".

I furrow my brows, shaking my head in confusion. 

"Are you really here? Or am I dreaming again." Putting the pieces together from past encounters. 

He leans closer, our faces inches apart. My heart speeds up at the proximity. 

"Both" he whispers in my ear. 

A wave of anxiety flows over me. What does that even mean? Am I still asleep? Did I never wake up? 

I blink several times, trying to wake myself up. If I really am asleep, I usually only wake up when I get scared, or you know, get hit in the face with a bat by a human. 

And then I open my eyes. I am still staring into his eyes, but he is now standing over me.

I feel around and I am in a real bed. 


I shoot up from the bed, examining the room. White bed spread, cold floor, Liam. I am at his house once again. 

"Liam what the hell!" I screech out, shoving him roughly in the chest. I am stronger now so he takes a few steps back at my force. 

Confusion falls on his face as he scrunches his eyebrows together. 

"I guess I was expecting maybe a different reaction." He rubs the back of his neck. Is he embarrassed? 

"Addison and Russell are back there! And you just decide to whisk me off in the middle of the night?" I growl.

I look out the window and the sun drags it's way into the atmosphere signalling it is morning. Addison is probably already awake and terrified at my disappearance. 

"I saved you from the men looking to drag you back to the clutches of your lost lover." He grits back at me. He points a finger to my chest, "You should be thankful that I saved you yet again."

"I didn't ask to be saved. That's the whole reason I left in the first place, Liam."

He steps even closer to me, we are almost touching. His blue eyes dig into mine. 

"Who is to say I don't rather enjoy saving you, little mutt." His eyes are hard and cold but his words are almost endearing. "Look at yourself," he gestures to my body, "You are still wearing prison rags, eating rabbits in the woods where you sleep." He sounds angry, "You have gone days without a proper feed and you have developed sagging eyes and pale skin." he spits out. 

"So you steal me from my friends?" I raise an eyebrow, not seeing his logic. 

"I am saving your life, darling, a few more days and you'll turn to sandpaper." His eyes are worried as he brings my arm up to examine. My skin is almost as white as paper. My throat is dry and my voice is hoarse. 

"Do you know why I always come to your little rescue?" He questions.

I am silent. Pondering his words. 

"Because I do not mind it. Because I care about you, Little wolf." he kisses my hand. A small gesture with a big impact. My heart softens to him.

Here comes the water works. Tears pool in my eyes. 

"I don't want to burden you. You shouldn't put your life at risk just to keep me safe." I choke on my own words. The days we had been separated had been hard. I had missed him every moment. 

He cups my face with his hand. "But that is my choice to make." He brings my face closer to his. His eyes bounce between mine, searching for my emotions.

"And I choose you." Are his last words. 

Then my lips crash into his, dulling the pain in my heart. He pushes me back onto the bed, not breaking contact,

I run my hands through his soft hair and he moves his lips to my neck. I let out a small gasp. 

Finally breaking the kiss, he looks at me for an answer.

"Liam I can't ask you to risk your life for me, I am technically a fugitive now."

"You forget I cannot die." He says, tapping my nose with his finger. He then stands from the bed and straightens his wrinkled shirt. 

"So you'll stay?" a smile spreads across his face. 

I gulp, my heart picking up speed. 

"I can't Liam, not without Addison and Russell." 

His expression hardens, his lips forming a firm line. Then he turns and walks out of the room. 

My eyes pop open. Did he seriously just walk away from me?

I zoom out of the room, finding him in the kitchen digging through the fridge. 

"Liam you have to understand!" I defend myself. He continues to shove things around the fridge, shifting containers until he reaches the back of the fridge. 

He pulls out a glass pitcher filled with Kool-Aid. 

He grabs two crystal glasses and pours a drink.

"Well be it." he says, sliding me a drink. 

I pick up the cup and stare at the liquid. It is too red. I swish the drink around, watching it stick to the sides of the glass. A whiff of the liquid causes my eyes to glaze over. 

I immediately bring the drink to my lips, swallowing the liquid at as if it is a race. 

"Good girl" He breathes out. He looks mildly relieved that I am drinking it. 

The blood tastes so good. As I drink it, it is as if I can feel life springing back into me. Everything in the room brightens a few more shades. 

I place the empty glass on the counter, silently begging for more. He fills the glass again and I down it like a shot. 

This time he doesn't refill the glass again. 

I reach a hand towards the glass pitcher but he drags it towards him. 

"Slow down before you go mad." He rolls his eyes. 

"Just a little more." I beg. He walks a few steps closer to me, studying my eyes. 

"You are new to this, clearly, and that red that bleeds into your eyes can be dangerous." he muses. 

"Yes, yes, bloodlust is dangerous and blah blah I've heard it all. But I can handle it." I brush his warnings off, having one more glass. 

After I down the third glass, I put the pitcher back in the fridge, turning around to stick my tongue out at Liam. 

See? Perfectly fine. 

"Fine." He finally says, "I will allow Addison into my protection."

I stalk closer to him. He stands at the kitchen counter, still working on his first glass of the blood. 

"And Russell." I barter. He scowls at the mention of Russell. 

"And the rogue too. On one condition." His eyebrow raises. 

"And that is?" 

"You stay here with me." He grabs my hands, holding them with his own. "Permanently, no running away."

"Deal." I grin at him.

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