Lmao that's me in the photo hahahahaha
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I touched death. I tasted her. The one thing I longed for was in my reach. Then I saw her black colors. She was so full of darkness that it scared me. She reached for me to but suddenly I didn't want to come with her. I wanted to go back.
My lungs open as I sit up abruptly gasping for the burning air. My eyes shoot open and as I take my deep breath. The colors are suddenly more vivid in my dark cell. Everything is brighter almost as if I am now able to see more light that was hiding in the dark. I whip my head around and see Liam casually leaning against the stone wall.
"I was wondering when you were gonna pop back in." He pushes off the wall, making a step closer. He bends down to my level, grabbing a strand of my hair.
"What happened?"
"I gave you your most desired wish." He stands back up again and makes a circle around me. I remain silent for a moment, racking my brain for answers. "Oh don't be so dull, I killed you." He finishes as if it's just a casual day.
"You. What." My mouth drops.
"You didn't think you'd actually die. Did you?" He scoffs.
"What are you even talking about?" I demand. "If you killed me how the hell am I talking to you right now?"
He smirks. "You, love, have just awakened the rest of your vampire nature." He stops in front of me and then looks to the ceiling, putting his hand on his chin," well not completely, you still have to feed on human blood." His eyes meet mine and fear pricks my lungs.
"But- I thought you had to be turned into a vampire by another vampire?" I scratch my head.
He extends a hand, helping me to my feet. "You are part vampire. Therefore once you died then you would access the other part of your vampire self." He smiles at me.
"So even when I was going to commit suicide..." I trail off at the realization. I am a vampire now. Panic sets in. "What now! They're going to drive a steak through my heart anyways!" I pace in a circle around the small cell.
"What does being a vampire even mean?" I put my hand over my mouth. I can not grasp this reality. I wanted to go back. I wanted to be alive.
Liam stops me, putting his hands on my shoulders and moving my head to face him. "You will be fine. Let me show you what it is to be a vampire." He smirks.
I had never been to a city this big. It had taken the night to drive here at Liam's top speed on his black bmw. I slept through most of it, dreaming of the monsters like me. I grew up taught to hate vampires. To kill them on sight and not to ask questions. Vampires killed my entire pack. They took the family that adopted me.I lean my head against the window as I watch the city go by at an incredibly fast speed.
"Are we there yet?" I groan, bored of sitting in the car for hours on end.
"Why don't you quit complaining and just wait for what's to come. Sure, we could stop here and visit the old people in the park." He looks away from the word to smirk at my disdain. "Or we could keep traveling to somewhere riveting." He presses the gas pedal down to the floor, speeding us past the other cars.
More endless hour pass until the sun sets. I've studied ever speck of this car and it's all starting to look as boring as the trees around me. The radio station has played the same five songs on replay and it's making my ears bleed.
"Ugh okay. If your plan was to bore me to death it's working!" I complain. "You told me 'oh I'm gonna show you what it's like to be a vampire blah blah blah'" I mock him. "But when is the fun actually going to start? I'm tired of sitting in the car wasting my minutes of wrinkle-less skin." I press.
He floors the pedal until we're reaching the highest speed. The dial goes to red and my heart picks up the pace. "Lesson one." He begins. Then He yanks the emergency break and the car flies in the air.
It flips over four times and then crashes into the road beneath it, falling to a billion pieces. I am launched out of the car and land twenty feet away, scraping my arms and forehead. I sit up and there is a ringing in my ears. My body aches. He appears before me "were immortal." He extends a hand. I grab it and he pulls me once again to my feet. I look back at my bloody arm and the scrapes have healed themselves. My mouth drops.
"I'm not hurt."
"I should hope not." He explains.
"YOU FLIPPED THE CAR." I yell at him. He laughs at me. A loud bellowing laugh erupts from his chest.
"You cannot die from a car crash, love." He approaches me suddenly, cupping my face with both hands and looking intensely into my eyes. "I would never put you in that kind of danger."
My heart flutters. I want to give in. I want to kiss him. My emotions seems out of control. More vivid than before. And my heart is attracted to him and him only.
"We're here." He smirks once again, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the road. We go through a small forest of large pine trees until we reach the top of a cliff. Beyond the cliff a massive city lights up the night. It's magnificent. All of the colored buildings are glowing and I see thousands of cars rushing around busily.
"Are you ready?"he holds on tightly to my hand.
"Ready for what?" I ask nervously.
"Do you trust me?" He asks. I nod slowly, confused.
"Close your eyes." He breathes. My eyes flutter closed and we fall off of the cliff. Flashbacks of jumping off the snowy balcony with him flood back as we fall into the darkness.

The Hybrid
WerewolfI jumped to my feet and punched him in the side. There was hardly an effect. "You're weak" he spat, walking a step closer towards me. I growled as I had had it with this blood sucking devil! My blue eyes fumed in anger as my wolf was released. I a...