The eyes of my mate are menacing as they blare into my soul through the darkness. The hairs on my arms stand erect as I stay as still as a statue. Something is wrong.
"Tyler, what is going on?" I steady my breathing.
"They will kill us all." He says so lowly, a sickening smile spreading across his features.
He stands to his feet slowly, his back hunched over like a beast. Long nails have erupted from his fingertips. He takes a slow stride towards me.
I match it with a tentative step backwards.
"Tyler, what is that thing in your neck?" I quickly look behind my shoulder to make sure I don't run into a tree.
"I won't hurt you, kitten." He cocks his head to the side, the smile still hanging from his lips. "They want you alive."
He takes another step towards me, this one is faster. My mind races on the idea of bolting for the cabin.
"Tyler, you're scaring me." I search behind him for an escape. "Did Liam do this to you?"
Tyler reaches a long arm out to grab roughly onto my wrist. His nails dig into the soft flesh, causing me to wince.
He uses his other hand to brush a stray piece of hair out of my face. His breath is humid on my chilly cheeks as he brings his head closer to mine.
"Your heart is beating so fast." He breathes into me. He then presses his forehead into mine and closes his eyes for a moment. My entire body shudders in fear.
"I am not going to go anywhere with you." I stammer out as strongly as I can.
He pulls away, a look of pity crossing his features. "Sweetheart, you do not have a choice."
I bring my free arm up in an attempt to punch him in the jaw but he swiftly grabs it, whipping me around to where both of my arms are wrapped around myself. My back is pressed against his chest as he lets out an amused chuckle.
"You are not stronger than me. Don't forget that." I struggle against his death grip and he simply sighs.
"Alex?" I hear Addison's voice in the distance. Tyler's body grows tense as we both look to the treeline to see her standing there.
I move without thinking, whipping my head back roughly to knock Tyler in the nose. He releases his grip on me and grunts in pain. I fall to the earth with a panging throb in the back of my head but quickly scramble back to my feet.
I make a dash for Addison, screaming for her to run. As soon as I reach her I grab her hand and drag her with me back towards the cabin.
I slam the cabin door behind us and quickly latch it shut.
"Where is Russell?" My hands are shaking.
"Here. What happened?" He appears from the kitchen with a small mug in his hands.
"Something happened to Tyler. He- He's acting strange. Violent." I burst out, pacing in front of the fire. Will he be able to get in here?
"Strange how?" Russell asks, gently setting the mug down on the counter.
There are three loud bangs at the front door that cause both Addison and myself to jump.
"Oh Kitten," he sings in a low tone, "Won't you let me in?" He taps softly on the wooden door. "That was a very naughty trick you played on me to escape." He growls.. "I would hate to have to break down this door and drag you away."
"It has to be Liam. Some kind of mind control thing." Addison looks to Russell.
"There was something in his neck. As soon as I touched it- he changed." I revealed, my eyes trained on the doorway.
Russell's face deadpans. He grabs his jacket and begins to get dressed.
"We need to move."
Russell walks over to the kitchen once again to open a cabinet. Only it is not a cabinet, but a doorway to a passage out of the cabin. He grabs a flashlight from on top of the fridge and flicks it on before turning back towards Addison and I.
"Now." He commands, gesturing for us to enter. Addison quickly complies and grabs the flashlight from him.
"What about Tyler?" My brows furrow together.
The knocking on the door turns into pounding. The wooden framing shakes from the intensity of the knock.
My heart pounds harder than the banging of the door. Russell grabs my bicep and pulls me towards the passageway.
"He's been claimed by the hunters."
The three of us walk quickly through the dark passage until it finally leads to an exit at the back of the cabin. Russell leads us down a small dark path in the woods. Leaves crunch nervously underneath our footsteps until a loud roar rips through the darkness.
My heart clenches. It came from Tyler.
"That was the hunters. They have captured him." Russell says grimly.
"Tyler!" I impulsively wail into the darkness.
Russell's hand immediately slaps around my mouth. "Are you trying to get us killed too?"
"It's okay, Alex, we can go back and get him when it is daylight." Addison reassures me.
"Get him back?" Russell asks, shocked. "And how do you expect to do that?" He questions like we are stupid. "Do you know what the hunters are? Hunters are a legendary group of wolf killers that are ruthless, merciless, and extremely strong. They are not werewolves and they are not vampires, they are a different kind of beast altogether." His tone is harsh. "Once taken by a hunter, you will never be returned."
"You can't just expect me to leave him." I stammer out, my bottom lip quivering.
"He is already gone, Alex."
That is not possible. There has to be another way.
"He is the Alpha of his pack. They will help. Or- maybe the other packs." My mind races for a solution.
"Liam." I breathe out. He is powerful. He would be able to save Tyler.
"Liam can help us. He will help us. Liam!" I call into the wind for the vampire. He has spies in the woods. Ears everywhere. All you have to do is speak his name. I open my mouth to call his name again but a rough hand slams my jaw shut.
"Do you have a death wish?" Russell growls. "Liam would not help us. He only wants you for a trophy. If he found you now he would only take you captive again and punish you for leaving."
His eyes give a deadly warning as he removes his hand.
I take a shallow breath, turning to look at Addison.
"He can't just be gone. We have to try something." Tears pull at my eyelids.
Addison gives me a solemn look and gently squeezes my hand.
"We should keep moving." She whispers.
Updated chapter*
Rip Tyler. Nah i'm kidding.

The Hybrid
Manusia SerigalaI jumped to my feet and punched him in the side. There was hardly an effect. "You're weak" he spat, walking a step closer towards me. I growled as I had had it with this blood sucking devil! My blue eyes fumed in anger as my wolf was released. I a...