Chapter 6: Why do I feel Something Even Better?

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It was Alaric and Jo's wedding day and everyone, especially Caroline, were running around trying to finish off any pending work. It was a hectic yet amazing one month. Me and Caroline had really grown much closer, leaving all old worries behind. Saying that we were just close would be an understatement, we were best friends now, just like we were in our childhood. We would meet everyday, sometimes for wedding plans or sometimes just like that. Sitting at the fireplace at my house and having a drink, was our thing. We could be as open as we wanted with each other but it would take time for me to be fully open about my terrible past. Even she hadn't revealed too much about her past apart from her ex-boyfriend, Tyler, who left her because Klaus had manipulated him into drugs. A sense of Deja Vu had awakened inside me. Caroline had really loved Tyler and when he left, a part of her broke inside. It had outraged me and I was ready to kill Klaus. He kept giving me more reasons to hate him, not only for what he did to me but also for what he had done to this innocent angel, my angel.
Neither of us talked about the rest of our childhood, neither of us really wanted to I guess. But something had changed between me and Caroline, we weren't only best friends, there was something different about her, something special, something that made me want to live, something that made me want to live for her.

I was broken from my thoughts when I heard a chirpy voice ordering someone to set the bar up in a different place. I knew straight away that it was Caroline, I could recognise that voice anywhere. I turned around and saw her back. Her hair was up Elsa style and she was wearing a blue dress with white patterns on it. I wish I could see her face right now because gosh, I knew she looked beautiful, not that she didn't always. My heart started beating faster and I decided to push it off as admiration for my cute little best friend.

"Is this why I hired you? For you to put everything in the wrong place? Uh god, why am I even burning any calories talking to you, go do the job you're supposed to do. NOW!" I couldn't help but chuckle at my best friends' infamous control freakiness. 



I felt an arm on my shoulder and recognised straight away who's arm it was. Maybe it was the warmth I felt from his touch? Maybe it was the sparks that would start running through my body? I'd only started feeling like this recently, I hadn't ever felt those sparks since that amazing first kiss in the hotel room a month back. But this felt different, it felt pure, not awkward or scary, instead it felt better. I felt free to feel and do and say whatever I wanted and I hadn't felt like this in a very long time. It's exactly what I wanted to feel but at the same time it also made me afraid that I was giving up something big. It made me feel like I was losing control and I didn't want to lose control. Control is what kept me sane. These thoughts and feelings overwhelmed me and I concluded that it was just the stress of the wedding.

"Hey!" I heard Stefan say. "I've been looking all over for you."

I turned around and gave him a small smile. "Hey! I had to take care of these stupid workers. They litterally mess everything up."

He smiled. He was wearing a black tux and his hair was gelled to the left, like always. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach at how gorgeous he looked. Oh my god Caroline, shut up. I don't know what was coming over me but I mentally scolded myself for thinking like that about my best friend.

"Nothing can be messed up when you're here Caroline."

Damn he made my heart flutter.

I was about to reply when my eyes landed on Damon and Elena trying to settle their clothes and hair. Of course, only they could go screw at someone else's wedding. Yeah my best friend and Stefan's brother were dating. At first I thought it was just a hookup, when Elena told me about them but then Elena started saying that she's serious about him. Me and Stefan both laughed at that but now we can see how serious they actually were. The weird thing was that Damon had asked Stefan if he was okay with all this and he had said he was fine. I wanted to ask Stefan why Damon asked him that but then I realized that maybe I'm just over thinking. Maybe he just wanted his opinion?

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