Surprise Guests

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Xander's p.o.v.
I tossed and turned, trying and failing to go to sleep. I looked at my alarm clock and it read 12:03. After another few attempts and fails, I got out of bed and went downstairs. I walked around the house aimlessly until I saw Starlet curled up on a couch in the sunroom. She had a sketchpad in one hand and a pencil in the other, and she seemed to be concentrating on whatever she was drawing.

  I quickly made my way back upstairs and grabbed her birthday present from under my bed. I walked silently back downstairs and slowly opened the door into the sunroom. Starlet looked up at me in surprise, then went back to drawing.

"Hey, Starlet," I said awkwardly, shutting the door behind me. I had the present behind my back.

"Hi, Xander," She said without looking up again, erasing part of drawing and redrawing it.

"What'cha drawing?" I asked, walking over to her.

"My dream," She stated simply, showing me the sketch she had just finished.

   What I saw frightened me. It was a wolf. A wolf with dark patches of matted fur that was lying on the ground motionless. Then there was Starlet. Starlet was crouched beside the wolf, a look of pain on her face. She looked frail. Like she was about to die any second. She had her head on the wolf's chest, as if trying to find it's heartbeat, but to no such luck.

"Some people write down what they see in dreams. I draw them in this dream journal. Sometimes against my own will," She explained quietly.

   All I did was stare at her. Then at the drawing. Then at her again. Then back at the drawing

"Do you think my wolf will wake up? I mean, I know Dr. Brown said she would, but I'm scared," She said, her eyes starting to water again.

"Don't cry, Starlet. Of course she'll wake up," I said quickly.

  I've saw her cry too many times already. She sniffed and wiped her eyes.

"Hey, cheer up. I got you something for your birthday," I said, pulling the small box from behind my back.

   I gave it to Starlet and she looked at me skeptically before taking the lid off the box. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree as she pulled out the silver and gold charm bracelet I had gotten her. It had five different golden charms on it. A music note, a wolf, a teardrop, a guitar, and a happy face.

"It only has five so far because I don't really know that much about you," I explained sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I love it. It's beautiful," She whispered.

After I had given Starlet her present, I had went back up to my room to try and get some sleep. I fell asleep around three a.m, only to get woken three hours later.

"Wha-Father? What time is it?" I asked sleepily.

"Six. Get up and put on some clothes and go to the living room," My father said, giving me no other explanations before leaving the room.

    I grumbled as I slipped on a random t-shirt and some jeans before trudging out of my room and and down the hall.

"MAX!" I heard someone shout from downstairs.
   I recognized that the shout had come from Starlet. Damn it, I sure hope this Max person is a girl.

    I walked downstairs to see Starlet in the arms of some guy. I let out a growl and suddenly, Leilah, Trevor, Starlet, and four other people including the guy were staring at me.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Trevor asked me worriedly.

"Who are they?" I asked through my teeth, referring to the four unknown people in the room.

Starlet (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now