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Xander's p.o.v.

    When Starlet and Wesley came back a few minutes later, they were both laughing like they were insane. I gritted my teeth in agitation and watched as they played together.

"That is such a lie," Starlet said through a laugh. A very beautiful laugh.

"But it's true!" Wesley practically shouted, gaining the attention of nearly everyone in the restaurant.

"What's got you all cracked up?" Ashley asked snottily. Starlet ignored her.

"After you, m'lady," Wesley said, gesturing to the other side of the booth. She's not his lady! She's mine!

"Why thank you, kind gentle sir," Starlet said, slipping back into the booth.

"Hey, Trevor. Do we have any spare rooms in the house?" Starlet asked.

"Uh, yea. I think. You know, I have no idea," Trevor said, ultimately failing.

"Well we have to figure that out. Apparently, Wesley's been sleeping in my closet," Starlet said, giving Wesley a 'you're a creepy stalker' look.

"That's not possible," I said without thinking. I've been in her closet in the middle of the night, and he wasn't there. That's when it hit me. He was probably with her, not in her closet.

"And why's that?" Starlet asked coldly.

"Um, uh, oh look the sun's about to set. We should head back," I said, hastily coming up with an excuse not to talk about her closet anymore.

"Oh, before we head back, I need to show you something Star. Walk with me?" Wesley said, holding his hand out for Starlet.

"Yea, sure. We'll see you guys back at the house," Starlet said, taking Wesley's hand. I growled when I saw their intertwined fingers.

"Problem?" Wesley asked sincerely.

"Sore throat," I said, my voice oozing sarcasm and malice.

"You should get that checked out," He said before he and Starlet walked out of the restaurant.




 "Care to tell us where you've been?" I asked as soon as Starlet and Wesley entered the house. They'd been gone for three hours.

"You're worse than Trevor," Starlet sighed.

"If you must know, I was showing Starlet something," Wesley said, putting his arm around Starlet's shoulder. I suppressed a growl and glared at the two of them together.

"Oh yea. Trevor said there were no spare rooms, so you'll be sleeping with me tonight," I heard Starlet tell Wesley on their way upstairs.

"I like the sound of that," Wesley said, causing me to dig my hands into the couch to avoid going after them and breaking his neck.

"Not like that, you perv!" Starlet giggled. I swear if they keep flirting, I'll die.

   When I walked downstairs the next morning, I was slightly angered by the sight. Wesley and Max were sitting on the couch with Starlet sprawled across them. Max was eating an apple and Wesley was eating from a bowl of grapes. They were all absorbed by the television.

"Grape," Starlet said, opening her mouth. Wesley took a grape from the bowl and fed it right to Starlet.

"Ahem," I said, clearing my throat purposely.

"Oh. Morning Xander," Wesley said, waving distractedly.

"I need to finish packing," Starlet said suddenly, sitting up. She scurried upstairs with Wesley right behind her.

Starlet (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now