Georgia Waterfall

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Xander's p.o.v.

"Wake up! We leave in an hour!" my mother shouted Wednesday morning, bursting into my room.

"Get dressed quickly then get downstairs!" my mother said before slamming my door. When I dragged myself out of bed, I realized it was only about five in the morning.

     I slipped on a plain white t-shirt and a pair of jeans before grabbing my suitcase and trudging downstairs. Everyone else was downstairs except Starlet. She came down the stairs minutes later, dressed in a pair of orange shorts and a black t-shirt that said 'Screw princess, I'd rather be a ninja'.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Sleeping Beauty," Ashley said sarcastically, and I swear I wanted to slap her. All Starlet did was walk into the kitchen and grab an orange.

"To save gas, we're taking three cars," my father said, "We'll divide ourselves up accordingly."

   We ended up with my parents and the betas in one car; Trevor, Leilah, and Jasper in one; and Starlet, Wesley, Ahshley and I in the other.

"I don't feel like driving," Starlet whined, "Wesley, drive."

"Fine," Wesley huffed. Wesley took the keys from Starlet and Ashley sat in the passenger seat. Starlet was in the backseat, and I slid in beside her.




   We'd only been on the road for an hour, and Ashley was already complaining.

"When are we going to get there?!" She whined.

"Ashley," Starlet said, not looking up from the book she was reading.

"Ugh, what is it?" Ashley asked rudely, which made me want to hit her more.

"Can you do me a little favor and shut the fuck up?" Starlet asked sweetly. Ashley was shocked into silence.

"Thank you," I heard Wesley sigh under his breath. We rode in silence for a few minutes.

"Sooo...What you reading?" I asked awkwardly, trying to make conversation.

"Starters," Starlet replied shortly.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?!" Ashley asked loudly.

"Of course not sweetheart. That was five minutes ago," Starlet said, her voice threaded with sarcasm and hate.

"You dare to challenge your future Luna?!" Ashley asked, and Wesley laughed loudly, nearly losing control of the wheel.

"I'd die before I let you become my Luna," Starlet snorted.

"Well that's too bad. In a few years, I will be Luna," Ashley said defiantly.

"Hey Wesley, start a pack with me after graduation? We could rustle up a few rogues and move to the open territory in California," Starlet asked. She used a playful tone, but I'm afraid she could be serious about that.

"Why not?" Wesley chuckled.

"It's settled then. You're not going to be my Luna, Ashley. Ever," Starlet said in a calming tone, although she left a sense of mystery in the air.

"Stop, stop, STOP!" Starlet nearly screamed minutes later. I began to panic, but all Wesley did was shake his head.

"Way ahead of you there, Star," he said as he pulled up to Five Guys (author here: I love, love, LOVE their food!)

"Get me a bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon!" Starlet called out the window after Wesley. She then took out her ear buds and her iPod.

 Starlet put in her ear buds and you could hear faint traces of her music, but I couldn't make out the lyrics.

   Starlet opened her book again and began reading. Ashley tried to talk to her, but Starlet couldn't hear. I don't think she wanted to.

"I'm talking!" Ashley shouted when she realized Starlet wasn't listening. She reached around and tried to yank Starlet's ear buds out, which caused Starlet to growl loudly.

"Don't touch me or my stuff," Starlet growled. Ashley looked at me with a shocked expression and I shrugged. Shouldn't have messed with her.

"Just stop, Ashley," I hissed as she reached for Starlet once again. She didn't listen.

   Ashley went for Starlet's ear buds again and Starlet grabbed Ashley's arm, flicking her wrist back. All the while she hadn't looked up from her book. Ashley screamed and pulled her arm away, cradling her wrist.

"I said don't touch me, Ashley," Starlet said tiredly, and she seemed like she didn't even care anymore. That's when Wesley came back.

"Gimme food!" Starlet said, taking out her ear buds. Wesley handed Starlet her food when he saw Ashley, still holding her wrist.

"Did she try and take out Starlet's ear buds?" he asked me. I nodded.

"Word of the wise, don't mess with Starlet's music. Or food for that matter. That's like playing with fire," Wesley said matter-of-factly. It irked me that he knew so much about her.

    Wesley offered Ashley and I each a burger and fries, and I declined. Ashley, on the other hand, plucked one small fry from the cup, ate it, then said she was full.

    After hours of boring silence, we finally made it to Atlanta. It took us another twenty minutes to get to the cabins we were staying in. There were five in all, and they were all well hidden in the woods.

"Okay. One cabin is for Trevor and Lilah; one is for Xander and Ashley; one is for beta James, beta Paris, and Jasper; one is for your father and I; and one is for Starlet and Wesley," my mother explained.

"Starlet and Wesley are sharing a cabin?" I asked stiffly.

"Well of course," my mother said with a smile.

"Hey Jasper, wanna go explore?" I heard Starlet ask the little boy. Jasper nodded eagerly.

"Lemme just take our bags in first," Wesley said, taking out him and Starlet's suitcases.

"Why don't I tag along? I could use the exercise," I said immediately.

"No thanks," Starlet said coldly. That stung.

   I ended up hanging out with Trevor in his cabin while Leilah had 'girl chat' with Ashley in ours. Pretty sure she's going to yell at her, then slap the shit out of her. Which I'm totally fine with. We were talking about GTA5 when his phone rang.

"It's Star," he said as he read the caller I.D, "I'll put her on speaker."

"TREVOR! YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT WE FOUND!" Starlet screamed into the phone. In the background you could hear what sounded like running water.

"What?" Trevor asked.


"Looks like we're going to a waterfall," Trevor said, getting up out of his bed. He motioned for me to follow and went to get Leilah.

   Ashley decided to come too, and when we heard the water, she clung to my arm. I groaned as we continued towards the waterfall. When it came into sight, I saw Starlet about forty feet up in the air, standing at the very top of the waterfall.

   What she did next caused me to rip myself away from Ashley and run to the water's edge. Starlet gave a small wave before jumping. When she didn't resurface, I began to panic. I was about to jump in myself when her head popped up. She was grinning widely and she was soaked.

"Nice of you to join us," Wesley said from the other side of the lake. Jasper was sitting on the edge and Wesley was with him.

"Trevor! You have to jump. It's amazing!" Starlet breathed happily.



I spent an entire three hours just watching Starlet swim. She looked like she was having the time of her life while Ashley had made a point to curl herself next to me.

   Starlet's phone rang from where it sat a few yards away from the water, and I went to answer it. It was her mom saying we needed to head back since we had to wake early the next morning.

Starlet (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now