Give Me Another Chance

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Xander's p.o.v.

"Why are you still here?!" I asked Ashley later that night.

"Because you can't get rid of me," Ashley giggled.

"I could go tell my mother what you did right now and you would be executed," I snapped at her.

"Oh, Xander. You and I both know you wouldn't do that. Haven't you saw how happy your mother's been since you 'found your true love?' Imagine how heartbroken she'd be if you told her otherwise," Ashley said tauntingly.

"I've found the love of my life. It's not you," I growled angrily. It was Starlet.

"Are you the love of hers? She seems pretty close to that Wesley," Ashley said, causing anger to bubble up inside me. It took a lot of self-restraint to keep myself from hitting her.

"Plus, if you tell your parents on me, you'll regret it. I have connections and can make your life into a living hell," Ashley sing-songed.

     I don't care anymore. It's true. The only reason I didn't tell my mom earlier is because of how happy she was, but Starlet was ignoring me and it hurt. I'd just tell her that Starlet was my mate. That way, no one would be disappointed, and Ashley could get the fuck out.

  I stormed to my mother and father's cabin and beat on the door. After a minute, my mom answered.

"Hey, sweetie. What's up?" She asked. I could hear my dad taking a shower, so I knew he wouldn't be out for a while.

"Mom, Ashley's not my mate," I said straight out.

"'re joking, right?" My mother asked, her face falling.

"Afraid not. I'm sorry, mom," I said, letting my head drop.

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?"

"I didn't say so earlier because you just seemed so happy, and I didn't want to disappoint you," I mumbled.

"Aw, son. You can never disappoint me. These are things you can't rush, and I completely understand," My mother said, touching my cheek.

"Now, why would Ashley tell such a lie?" My mother asked.

"Power," I replied, "mom, there's something else I haven't told you..."

"What?" my mother asked. It was now or never.

"I have found my mate," I said, causing her to gasp.

"Well who is it?" My mother asked excitedly.

"Um, could you not tell anyone?" I asked.

"Why not?" my mother said.

"Starlet and I aren't really on speaking terms right now," I said, scratching the back of my head.

"STARLET!" my mother shouted, causing me to shush her. Even though she was my mom, she can act like such a teenager sometimes.

"Yes mom. But I've screwed up with Ashley and all," I mumbled.

"Then you'd better fix it, mister, cause I want grandchildren. I'll talk to Ashley. Send her over here and go get some sleep, dear. We have to wake up early tomorrow," my mother said reassuringly. I turned red before thanking her and going back to my cabin.

"Ashley, my mother would like to have a talk with you," I said with a false kindness.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Young," I heard her mutter before she left, taking her unpacked suitcases with her.

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