15.Baby Steps

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Rey looked around, "Where are we going?" she asked softly.

"That is not of importance," replied the smooth voice she only knew too well.

Rey bit her tongue from saying a cutting remark but glared at the back of Ren's head of thick dark hair.

"Why are you keeping all these secrets from me? A master and padawan must have a relationship built on trust, not lies and deception!" exclaimed Rey impatiently.

Ren stopped mid-step and whipped around violently. 

His onyx eyes latched onto her hazel and her breath was stolen away for a moment. Her eyes darted left to right. The hallway was narrow, but she could probably side-step him and run away. But there was the fact that he was tall, which irritated Rey to no end.

I'm here to heal him, not provoke him, she chided.

He gave her an angry glare, "Do not question me. I will not answer,"

Rey huffed and groaned as he continued walking.

He stood in front of a TIE fighter, which was currently not in use. It definitely had some battle scars and was quite battered, but seemed functional.

"Are we using THIS?" she exclaimed incredulously, wondering why on Earth they weren't going in a bigger ship. 

He shook his head, "No," he turned to her, a scowl hanging on his lips, "You would do well to keep your emotions in check," he said roughly.

Rey glared at him but decided to say nothing was a good idea right now. She turned away from him and surveyed the hangars, it was teeming with Stormtroopers and other important people. 

One, in particular, caught her eye. It was a young girl in the First Order Uniform with platinum blond hair in a severe bun, all of her pulled back tightly. She was short, with sharp features yet an innocence to her.  She turned her head slightly, her long dark lashes became even more visible and her pale, white-grey eyes seared through Rey's. She sent an icy glare towards her, turned her nose upwards, and strutted off. 

Rey scowled, and turned back to see Kylo Ren in mid conversation with the same ginger she'd seen earlier. He sent her a rather offhanded look as if to say she was not important. 

Rey huffed, and walked away from them, sensing the fact that she was not wanted here. She saw a small group of Stormtroopers talking in front of another TIE fighter and decided to listen in. 

She darted around the milling crowd and quickly ran behind the Green TIE.

"-but I still beat CL-2038 in Sabacc!" cried one of them, a male, animatedly. 

"Well he's not very hard to bea-look! It's lord Ren, and he's talking to General Hux," said a smooth, strong female voice. 

"So?" replied the male.

"Well, they hardly ever talk in front of us, and they both look very serious, so maybe it's something important," said the female.

"It's probably about the scavenger," chimed in a third, a weaker, smaller voice. "Lord Ren has been different since she's been around. He's always with her," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"Oh shut it you!" said the female.

"But why?" asked the weak voice, "He clearly cares about her,"

Rey rolled her eyes. Caring about someone meant acknowledging their existence, which Kylo Ren didn't do.  

"Refrain from unnecessary banter, FS-4218, you have a mission to complete, as do the rest of you," said a new voice.

Rey peeped out from behind the TIE fighter and saw another Stormtrooper, but this one wore a chrome suit and a cape. Vaguely remembering her from the time she'd infiltrated the base with Han, Chewie, and Finn, she quickly slid out of view and returned to the duo, who were still engaged in conversation.

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