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Lucy stared at the house that should would be living in with disbelief.
'Didn't Brooke say 7 people live here? Why would they want another?'
She sighed, looking down at her bag then back to the door. Lucy slowly approached the door and knocked a few times. A short boy opened the door, he had to be like 8 or 9. That was her guess anyway.
" Who are you? " the boy asked in a rude tone.
Lucy glared softly at the boy.
" I'm the fucking tooth fairy and I'm here to rip all the teeth outta your mouth. Now get me Fionna " she growled.
The boy slowly turned and walked inside. After a few seconds a reasonably tall girl with dark, messy hair stepped in front of her.
" Lucy? " she asked.
" No I'm Jannet and I'm here yo talk to you about god " she said sarcastically.
A large smile broke onto the girls face as she pulled the short girl into a hug.
" Its been so long " She muttered.
Lucy pulled away and gave her a confused look.
" Don't remember you, nor do I remember anyone in your family. I was simply told I was living here now and I guess that's all "
The girl shrugged and pulled Lucy inside.
Lucys eyes widened at the large family sitting in the kitchen. Two teens, two kids, and a baby.
" Anyways I'm Fionna and that's Carl, Debbie, Liam, Ian, and Lip " she gestured to everyone.
" Lip? " Lucy chuckled.
" Philip, lip for short " the tall boy said, pulling out a smoke.
" And what's your name little miss "
" Lucy " she said.
She felt something in the pit of her stomach as their eyes met.

Shut up ( A Lip Gallagher fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now