Chapter Eighteen

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"Kade!" I said and marched over to open the car door with no need for an answer. "I need answers, now."

He nearly jumped right out of his seat. His reaction was so amusing that I almost laughed. Almost.

"W-what are you - "

"Do not start with me." I spat and pointed my finger at him. "Get out of the car."

"Esther, listen - "

"Now." I've never felt so angry in my life. I knew precisely how it felt to lose something that special, and pain always drives us to do crazy things, but this was beyond the border between an accident and madness. "Logan."

The steering wheel audibly tightened under the pressure of his grip. He immediately towered over me once he got out the car. It was times when we were close like that I would usually kiss him, but now I had the urge to smack him in his totally handsome face. But no, not right now. Not until I got my answer.

"Now, tell me." I spoke in a low voice that even I didn't recognize. "Why - " My will to be strong was already failing me as my voice broke like glass, and my lip quivered like a seismic quake. "Why would you do such a thing?"

"I don't..." He tried to find the proper words to say, but all I could see was my fiance breaking down before my eyes. "I don't know what to tell you."

"Tell me when it started." I said as I stood my ground. If he even flinched, God help me, I would sock him in his beautifully masculine nose.

"Not long after my mom died," Logan replied quietly and he shrugged. "Things were fine for a bit, I guess. But after a while, everything just became too painful."

"So you took it out on your sister?" I scoffed in utter contempt. "She was just as hurt as you were, and you just expected her to take it because you were, what, sad?"

"I couldn't handle it." His gaze fell to the ground, and I knew that he felt ashamed of himself. "She was always so happy..."

"You know what happened with my dad, and you saw where he ended up. Lucky for him, he'll be released soon, but you, sir," I nudged his chest with my finger, causing him to back up into his car, "You have a restraining order, and if this has been going on for as long as it has, you're in big trouble, Logan."

"Don't call me that."

"You can't justify your actions!"

"Please, forgive me." He shook his head and looked up at me with glistening irises. "Let me leave. Don't let them take me."

"Honey, you're a criminal!" I threw my hands in the air and shouted in his face. "Are you seriously expecting your problems to magically disappear, because I know from experience that never helped anyone."

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" I wasn't sure if he was still acting up a sob story or if he was the one getting mad right now. "I need to go."

"You're just running away?" I really couldn't believe everything that he was saying, and it all made me feel so infuriated inside that I could've sworn I was sweating.


I don't know where the slap came from, but it was over and done with before I could think about if it was the right thing to do, and my palm had made direct contact with his perfect skin. The light in his eyes dissipated and he looked more hurt than he had ever been before.

"You're a coward, Logan." I whispered lowly but loud enough that he could surely hear me. "And I don't want to know what else you're hiding from me."

I didn't feel the need to say anything more as I turned on my heel, but there was only one more thing that I could do for me to feel like a solution had come out from any of this.

The Life of Esther JamesonWhere stories live. Discover now