Little Present

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This is a cycle I have seen many times. The cycle of death. Being born a Rouge has negative effects on your way of life. You don't wanna be caught in the wrong group or a 'pack wolf will kill you.' And if you can't protect the things you love...before you know it, all the things you love...

Will be gone.


Amber Rose has had the hard knock life. She was born into the Rouge world, and had to grow up quickly. From climbing trees to sleep and learning to hide their scent, she knows a lot about survival. But, after years and years of fighting for her life she has gained many scars, all over her body. From bites, burns, and deep scratches and cuts. Many people look away from the sight of the scars.

Until she is passing through a pack territory to meet someone and realizes that she smells a scent her nose has gone foreign to.

Big Brother?


I gripped the old leather strap of my tattered bag and popped the smooth cold metal in my mouth and chewed on it a little" this should soothe my hunger. Only 1 hour left of running and I would be there. I pushed myself harder and faster. So I would get there quicker. As the sun went down, I slowed down and looked up and around the trees. It is safer to sleep in the treetops than on the ground, its as getting colder and I needed to get there. This might be our last meeting, so I gotta make it count.

Sofie, I grunted climbing up the tree. Hmmm? She answers in my head. How close are we to the FireBourne Pack? I ask.

About another 25 minutes.. when we were hiding from those pack warriors. We dashed in the opposite way meaning we lost a little bit of time. She explained.

Hmph, that's okay...for now. I sat in the tree and bending the rock out my mouth morphing the metal in many different shapes. I'm EarthBourne, but have learned to bend metal. Soon Black dots consume my vision and I fall asleep.


I'm so close, I see the cherry tree. I'm hoping this trip was worth it. Blondie wanted me here a year early... I bend over the pack line shuttering as I pass into the FireBourne territory. Blondie? I say confused as she walks up to me... she's pregnant, very pregnant. A man walked up beside her. Rosie...I'm so sorry! I should have told you! She said choking. I didn't say anything. So that's why you were actuating strange Who are you? I question holding my finger up to Blondie. Her mate, the one she loves of course. He responds. I purse my lips. Of course. I say rolling my eyes. I jump down spitting out the flat metal.

I look at the bracelet on my arm. This wretched thing. Blond-no. I stop myself. Fianna, I trusted you. I loved you. I gave you my all. You... I sigh. I came here hoping it was worth it, thinking 'oh my sweetheart will be waiting' 'I can wait to tell all about my adventures' 'someone who finally understands me, loves me, for who I am, and not what I look like' but I guess this isn't a cliche love story! I rant on. But I guess this isn't the case. This isn't the day. This isn't time for my happiness. I just, wanted not to hurt you... Fianna said sadly. I looked at her, my cheeks were stained with dried tears. Well you did. I snapped.

I soon started coughing, it got worse and worse. Soon I started to couch up blood and I clutched my stomach making the bandages unravel. I ran out of stitches a week ago so all I could do was clean and bandage it. Soon I fainted.






Crash! Is all that was heard, along with a long beep making doctors and nurses rush in as I wake up abruptly. I growl and move the bed so I can sit up. Ugh. I mutter. Doctors start to fuss, poke, and prod at me. Can you people get away from me. I say trying to stand up. I try to stand up but my leg is stuck to the bed by some cuff. The doctors back off. What is this, I ain't into no kinks? I say confused. Soon Fianna and her mate come in worried. Oh joy, it's Fianna and the mate. I say sarcastically. What the heck man, I would've been fine. I say crossing my arms to them bending the silver metal cuff off my leg.

Ugh, why did I tell you to come today! Fianna groans. Well it ain't like I can help you. You sent me a letter saying today. You could've called me a long while ago. Wait a sec, your like seven months...which at most means that you were cheating for a whole e last time we saw each other was last year... So... my face grows red and I sneeze. I sneeze multiple times. Are there raspberry bloom flowers in here? I ask sniffling. Uhh, yeah. Are you allergic? She asks. I growl. Yes, I'm fucking highly allergic. I say sneezing even more. My nose is stuffed to the brim and I feel like I couldn't breathe. I almost had to start gasping for air when Fianna went to find a nurse.

I KNEW my allergy to those flowers was bad but not this bad! I looked around the room frantically and spotted my satchel. I leaned over, ignoring my stomach pains, and reached for the brown satchel. This called fro desperate measures, while A struggled for air, I weakly bending the metal clip of the bag into the air and near my arms dropping it harshly. I look through the bag for my Epi-Pen. I scramble around frantically as my vision gets splattered with black dots. I shove the Epi-Pen to my arm and the needle injectsthe live saving medicine into my veins. I leaned back drowsily, dropping the Epi-Pen to the sanitized flooring and took deep breathes.

This has happened on multiple occasions, hence why I have an Epi-Pen in my bag. The doctors came bustling in, Fianna and her mate watching frantically. These doctors were absolute idiots. They look at me, fussing and asking if I'm 'okay' and 'feeling okay' noticing that I wasn't dying. Hey, I know your professionals n' all. But you all need to build up your stamina and increase staff. If I didn't have an Epi-Pen in my bag I would be dead and you would be fired and punished for the account of murder. It's part of the Rouge law. I say smirking tiredly. Well, go away. I'm tired and need to plan my next move. I say leaning to my side, closing my drowsy eyes.

I heard the murmuring of the doctors and Fianna. When I smell the scent of someone I haven't seen in many years.

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