Concept: Lincoln

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Imagine that your in a pitch black room and you can't see a thing. Then suddenly a small television turns on and you hear singing? You are our sunshine, our little sunshine. You make us happy when sky's are grey. You'll never knowww how much we love you. We will love you when skies are grey. You hear two people singing. The singing becomes distorted and stops.....

Then the tv plays a clip and and you hear a male Australian laughter in the background. The camera on a crib. The crib is white, and the walls are covered in chipped yellow paint. The room looks bare, as the only a few things in there are the crib, a handcrafted rocking chair, and boxes of what seems to be baby stuff? There was a small table near the crib.

The camera gets closer to the crib and you can hear a small baby crying. The camera peers into the crib and you see a baby screaming their lungs out. The baby looked almost a k,year old had tanned skin and pink tinted cheeks, their head covered in wisps of silver hair.

The tears streamed down their face and their fists were clenched tightly. Oi! Smol bab! Your mum is sleeping you troublemaker! You gots ta sleep! The camera is placed on a small table next to the crib and you have a good view of a slightly built man covered in black soot. The baby squirmed and wriggled in his arms.

But the man put up with it. He frowned painfully as he rested the baby's head on his shoulder. Hush now Lincoln, please sleep. I'ma beggin' ya! He said bouncing around the room. The baby screamed and screamed until heavy footsteps could be heard.

A woman, She was short and quite stocky, her shining silver hair in a messy bunch of twists and knots. She took the baby into his arms and tiredly sat down lifting her shirt for the newborn to suckle. The room quieted down quickly except from the occasional hiccups you could hear. The baby yawns and turns away making the woman pull her shirt down.

'I am so bad at this love.' He says staring at his mate. The woman gives him the baby and he cradles the She nods before picking up the camera. Really? She questions quietly. He nods smiling with his goofy grin.


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